Muhammed Emin (He/Him) 🏳️‍🌈   Mugla, Turkey
Bioware & RPG & TTRPG & Supermassive & Quantic Dream & World of Darkness enthusiast

''Still standing, no matter what you heard.'' -Jaheira, Baldur's Gate

''No one truly understands the weight of loss until they've worn it a while. There is no shame in sharing the load, when you need to.'' -Jaheira, Baldur's Gate

''I know better than anyone how tricky those devilish f*ckers are. They'll make you think you're a god, 'til you wake up and find yourself face down in the mud.'' -Karlach, Baldur's Gate

''Either you have an enviable memory, or a pitiable life, to know nothing of regret.'' - Sten, Dragon Age

"I've never been very good at that, the steeling myself part. I find it better sometimes to just be a little weak. I'm all right with that, really." -Alistair Theirin, Dragon Age

"Family's not just the people you're related to by blood. There are other people who care about you." -Isabela, Dragon Age

''Do you know what kept me standing, through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any god, not in myths and legends. In myself.'' -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones

''This world doesn't like those who are different, Markus.'' -Carl, Detroit: Become Human

''It's so much easier to see the world in black and white. Gray? I don't know what to do with gray...'' -Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect

''I'd like to expect the worst, there is a small chance I will be pleasantly surprised.'' - Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect

"After time adrift among open stars, along tides of light and through shoals of dust, I will return to where I began." -Tali'Zorah nar Rayya vas Normandy, Mass Effect

''We must struggle to not become what we hate.'' -Thane Krios, Mass Effect

''Just don't make the mistake I did. There's always another mission, none of them are an excuse to make yourself an island.'' -Thane Krios, Mass Effect

''This is war...survival's your responsibility.'' -Hunk, Resident Evil
Redgastor9 25 Aug @ 11:13am 
Benim hiç yabancı düşmanım olmadı, hepsiyle bir dedikodu yapmışlığım var. - Muhammed
Redgastor9 10 Aug @ 12:20pm 
''Muhammed yukarıdan aşağı düşer''
Dilay: Aşko ekran başında saç baş yolacağım yeter artık.
ilsirya 7 Aug @ 1:02pm 
halbuki suç indika'nın suçu değildi, indika sadece s*kso çekmek istiyordu :eggplantDCYH:
Redgastor9 19 Jun @ 10:48am 
Silent Hill: Madness of Muğlalı

23 yaşındaki Muhammed'in bilinmeyen bir numaradan aldığı mesajla hayatı değişir. Uyandığında kendini Silent Hill adında bir kasabada bulur. Dedikodu'nun peşinde koştuğu günlerin bedelini ödemeli, gerçeklerle yüzleşmeli ve günahlardan arınmalı... Şimdi arafta bekleyen büyük gerçek onu çağırıyor.
Artemis 26 May @ 11:30am 
Artemis 26 May @ 11:30am 
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