dpi.erico [TF2 Odds Collector]
Eric   Netherlands
:dealwithit: Currently ignoring random adds! :tdealwithit:
If you want to add me, please write a comment explaining why


Before you is the profile of a gaming enthusiast, welcome!

My profile has always been public, and as such has become the archive of a large majority of my gaming endeavours*.
If you're curious about my gaming outside of Steam (in recent years), I'll refer to the list below.

:HangingController: Non-Steam games I play(ed) a lot
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (~800 hours through physical copy)
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (~500 hours through physical copy)
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (~700 hours through physical copy)
- Assassin's Creed 1 (~160 hours through physical copy)
- Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy (Facebook game)
- Assassin's Creed Revelations
- Assassin's Creed III
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Freedom Cry included)
- Assassin's Creed Liberation HD
- Assassin's Creed Unity
- Assassin's Creed Rogue
- Assassin's Creed Syndicate
- Assassin's Creed Origins
- Assassin's Creed Odyssey
- Peggle / Peggle Nights
- Minecraft

* Screenshots and videos excluded, you wouldn't believe how many of those I made if I told you :o
Currently Offline
Screenshot Showcase
I am the roadie, lonesome warrior searching for his soul.
5 2
Some information on my TF2 endeavours through the years
> I'm busy quite often, so I apologize for slow responses (if any) in advance! <
Since the generic information about myself is probably not that interesting to most people, I'll stick to saying that I am a TF2 player and trader (about 65:35 gaming:trading, excluding the countless hours of research, being on trading sites, et cetera., but no idling ever), and I collect various things.

> My most difficult to acquire, and also rarest collection, is my Halloween collection.
My Halloween collection can be seen on pages ~23-44 of my backpack.
Everything is sorted roughly by year. I have every item of years 2009-2012 and 2015+ (the easy years), in the most clean (cleanest?) state each item can be, AND Level 31 (if possible)! The Halloween items of further years are being collected right now, also clean and Level 31 if possible.

> Then there are many other collections, there's really too many to mention. So I can't name all special items, and WHY they're special, but I can assure you that every item in my backpack is part of some collection, or has another specific reason to be in there ^^


Please don't do the following things, and we'll both be happier for it :D:
• Offering me random items you know I won't like. This includes off-leveled vintages, random
   craftnumbers, untradeable Haunted Metals (I'm only after clean ones), and more.
   - Check out the various collections in my inventory, to see if your item might be of interest
     to me. If you're legit uncertain if I'll like your item(s), then you can ask me, ofcourse :)
• Asking me to sell an item that is on page 4 - 60 of my bp.
   - I'm a collector of many different things, which means most of my items aren't for sale, sorry!
   - Note that I am not referring to pages in the Steam Inventory, but to pages on the backpack
     viewers linked below!
• Asking me advice for trading. The most valuable advice I can give you: develop common
   sense, and don't get carried away by what random people tell you. Don't let others think for you.

I'm sorry if I deleted you from my friends list, it's most likely nothing personal, I just get so many requests for all sorts of reasons! You can always re-add me again afterwards and/or write me on my profile :)


The best way to view a collector's backpack! [www.tf2tools.net]+ BP.tf profile [backpack.tf]


Steam Groups
:tradingcardfoil: Owner of Top Halloween Collectors
:tradingcard: Admin of TF2 Dedicated Level Collectors
:tradingcard: Appointed owner of The Clean Black Roses

Some historical data on my account
:p2blue: Acquired Steam : 22-02-2009
:p2orange: Acquired TF2 : 19-12-2009

:p2aperture: Collections (those worthy of a timestamp)
  :checkmark: Vintage off-levels : 12-12-2010 - 3-10-2011 (cosmetics included = 20-12-2011)
  :hourglass: Keys 'n Crates : 14-12-2010 - continuous (started collecting expired Crates = 20-12-2011)
  :checkmark: Halloween 2010 : 27-10-2010 - 17-09-2011
  :checkmark: Halloween 2011 : 27-10-2011 - 19-03-2012
  :hourglass: Gifted unwrappables : 28-02-2012 - continuous (world's first!)
  :checkmark: Halloween 2012 : 26-10-2012 - 14-07-2014
  :csgox: Halloween 2013 : 29-10-2013 - present
  :csgox: Halloween 2014 : 29-10-2014 - present
  :checkmark: Halloween 2015 : 28-10-2015 - 29-11-2015
  :checkmark: Halloween 2016 : 21-10-2016 - 27-01-2017
  :checkmark: Halloween 2017 : 26-10-2017 - 06-11-2017
  :checkmark: Halloween 2018 : 19-10-2018 - 12-11-2018
  :checkmark: Halloween 2019 : 10-10-2019 - 03-12-2019
  :checkmark: Halloween 2020 : 01-10-2020 - 24-10-2020
  :checkmark: Halloween 2021 : 05-10-2021 - 22-02-2022
  :checkmark: Halloween 2022 : 05-10-2022 - 17-11-2022
  :checkmark: Halloween 2023 : 09-10-2023 - 26-11-2023
  :csgox: Halloween 2024 : 10-10-2024 - xx-xx-xxxx

:scythe: Halloween collection overall
  :helloween: Currently the most extensive clean Level 31 Halloween collection in existence!
  :helloween: Halloween Package status: 276/276
  :pumpking: 1st to get all 54 Costume Pieces at Level 31 (23-05-2012)
  :pumpking: 1st to achieve a complete 2009-2012 collection at Level 31 (14-07-2014)
  :pumpking: 1st to get all 102 Halloween 2013 Haunted cosmetics at Level 31 (28-07-2014)
  :pumpking: 1st to get all 147 Haunted cosmetics at Level 31 (28-07-2014)
  :pumpking: 1st to get all 272 random-level Halloween items at Level 31 in at least 1 quality (02-12-2018)
  :pumpking: 1st to get all 51 Halloween 2014 Unique cosmetics at Level 31 (05-12-2018)

Review Showcase
9.1 Hours played
I don't even know which aspect of this game to praise first..

This is one of those games that leaves you wondering, contemplating, and overthinking life as you know it. There is no earthly way for me to explain what the story is about without telling you all about it, which is probably why I had no clue the story was such an essential part of the game when it first took my interest..

Just know that if you've got a philosophical side in you, and aren't afraid of exploring every corner of the map to find out more information, and how it links together to understanding it all.. this is your game.

Sure, the puzzles are great, but there's tons of other puzzle games.. The Swapper offers you much, much more than a series of fun and challenging puzzles.

And last, but certainly not least, are the aesthetics, and soundtrack! They help make The Swapper an unforgettable experience.
Review Showcase
64 Hours played
As a puzzle/adventure game enthusiast, The Witness had been on my wishlist for a good while. The only thing holding me back from purchasing was a lack of time to spend gaming, but when I finally did see a window to play.. I am so happy this is the game I bought!

Not to make writing a review easier on myself, but I've continuously found Thekla Inc.'s own description to be the most accurate basis to explain why I love this game so much: "This game respects you as an intelligent player and it treats your time as precious. There's no filler.". I will first elaborate on the last sentence, then later on I will talk about the 'intelligent player' aspect of it all.

Every puzzle mechanic, every area, every new creative use of colour, every bit of environmental storytelling.. this game indeed has no filler.. It's all made to spark a new feeling of excitement, of wonder! No one element is the same as another, be it the theme of an area, the visual puzzles' setups in that area, the main puzzles themselves, the decor, and more!

The main gameplay does not have a strictly set path along which to progress. To elaborate on that, every puzzle mechanic has its own (artistically) themed area that introduces it, where it teaches you its inner workings through progressively more difficult puzzles, but you can go to (almost) any such area straight from the tutorial environment. This freedom is something I did not expect and, though a bit confusing at times, it ultimately made the game flow very well later on! Now I know all the ways different areas are connected and can find my way around the whole island, and believe me.. there's a heck of a lot of paths you can take that bring you to dozens of uniquely crafted areas!
You might think each area being so unique means they're in a sense self-contained, but nothing could be further from the truth.. A very positive and mind-blowing realization I had while playing through the game is that every area, while distinctly different, plays its own part in overarching puzzle mechanics and story elements that all tie everything together! Everything is where it should be, and evidently with good reason. You can tell a lot of thought has been put into making and designing this game, from the main elements to the secondary elements to the secrets!

Next, I would now like to touch on the main gameplay itself, the various puzzles within each area, the part that I find the game respects you in as an intelligent player. Without spoilers, all I will say is that there are a surprising amount of different mechanics to learn, all of which are uniquely challenging and fun to learn about! And the further you dive into the game, the more you will find different mechanics mixed within the same puzzle, which creates a whole new level of challenge! And that isn't even including the way the environment comes into play to give these puzzles their final edge.. It's truly an amazing experience to have puzzles be great on their own, great together, and make use of the surroundings by incorporating them into the puzzles!

And the last thing I'd like to talk about is the number of secrets this game has! It's astonishing how much there truly is to discover if you have a knack for noticing details, finding patterns, and love exploring! All these secrets are entirely optional, they are in no way necessary to reach the conventional ending, but damn if they aren't worth finding and completing nonetheless for the completionists among us..

Final verdict: easily a 9/10 puzzle/adventure game, coming from someone that has loved these genres for years, with a surprising and delightful amount of mechanics, challenges, visual splendor, story, and secrets! Would be 10/10 for me if there were more than 2 Steam achievements ;)
Workshop Showcase
A course, shaped like a cone, for cooperative use, made by Cone Corporation, in absolute confidentiality! Cone Corporation is merely the cone-department of Aperture Science, with the sole purpose of manufacturing giant cones that are to be used for Testing
235 ratings
Favorite Group
Top Halloween Collectors
In Chat
Max Headroom [1985] 20 Feb @ 2:14pm 
howdy, i have an item that I'd like to see if you are interested in, I'm selling it soon and I'm looking to give them a good home, and seeing as you collect oddities i figure I would ask you, add me back
Mr. Pablo 11 Feb @ 3:28pm 
Hey there! We have spoken in the past about collectors oddities and whatnot.
Would just like to inquire about a couple items if thats okay. :)
Hi, I have 1 rare TF2 item I think, but I don't know exactly price of it.
Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap in gift box.
FoxLeks 1 Jan @ 5:58am 
:steamflake: :snowglobe: :steamflake: May the river of your life flow quietly and calmly in this 2025, and at every new turn reveal only pleasant :winterpresent2023: surprises for you! The stars will light your way at night :halfmoon: , and the sun :summersun: - during the day! May the light be with you all 2025! :2015holly::2015holly::2015holly::2015holly::2015holly:
Foolio 31 Dec, 2024 @ 5:53pm 
:Star_Z: :_H_::_A_::_P_::_P_::_Y_: :_N_::_E_::_W_: :_Y_::_E_::_A_::_R_: :Star_Z:
just the icing on the cake 25 Oct, 2024 @ 8:32pm 
added to offer some glitched items of mine