(-=Dr Ellis=-)
Doktor Ellis   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm using the chicken to measure it.......
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Another good Death Star shot with Blazedallup
2 1
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We Zig.... We may even ZAG a little....
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Hey look a new Box....
Yea so they gave me another showcase... Pretty cool huh?
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722 hrs on record
last played on 17 Mar
32 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
393 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
Elvis Martini 4 Jan @ 7:09am 
Ī am a pŗofessional hackeŗ and Ī have successfully hacked youŗ opeŗating system.

Ī have been monitoŗing all youŗ activities and obseŗving you foŗ months. Youŗ computeŗ was infected with malicious spywaŗe because you had pŗeviously visited a website with pornographic content. ╭--ᑎ--╮

Thanks to Tŗojan viŗuses, Ī can gain full access to youŗ computeŗ. This means that Ī can see absolutely eveŗything on youŗ scŗeen and tuŗn on the cameŗa and micŗophone at any time without youŗ peŗmission.

You theŗefoŗe need to tŗansfeŗ bitcööin equivalent to 1700 USƊ to my bitcööin account
Ī will delete all these videos and disappeaŗ fŗom youŗ life once and foŗ all. Ī will ŗeceive a notification as soon as you open this e-mail and the countdown will begin. Believe me, Ī am veŗy caŗeful, calculating and neveŗ make mistakes. Īf Ī find that you have shaŗed this message with otheŗs, Ī will staŗt making youŗ pŗivate videos public.

Good luck! ⟰
Тэо Карнеро 15 Aug, 2024 @ 1:31pm 
Hi, I'm writing to you because you have an achievement in zombie tycoon 2 overlord zombie, I have trophies in all chapters but Steam won't give it to me, have you had any problems getting it? Answer me in private messages if possible, thanks.
(-=Dr Ellis=-) 14 Apr, 2024 @ 12:20pm 
we should oughtta play more god mode
[REDACTED] 29 Dec, 2023 @ 10:31pm 
FYI we use to play god mode together with a few other people. No clue what name I had then.
[REDACTED] 29 Dec, 2023 @ 10:30pm 
Hey man, been ages. In regards to your recent comment; Have you thought about using a VM of win7 with linux? I was in this boat 2 years ago and switched. Very limited on what I CANT run game wise on linux (no ubisoft or rockstar). Don't want to leave a long rant. Let me know, I can help with a good chunk.
(-=Dr Ellis=-) 29 Dec, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
Goodbye windows 7... Again, like windows xp.. Steam forces me to upgrade yet another computer :(