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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 139.1 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 1 Sep, 2022 @ 9:12am

This game is great. /age tells me I have played it 2246 hours over 2776 days, so it's the game I played the most and nearly the longest (apart from CS:GO) out of all my games. There's lots of content, beautiful environment, helpful players, quests until you become old and retire and the end game is basically customising your character until you have reached Fashion Wars™ status – virtually no grinding for the ultimate gear as even the cheapest armor and weapons will let you complete 95% of the game without having grinded a single time.

The quest system is awesome since it revolves around doing map hearts, dynamic events and achievements, so you can build your own adventure instead of scrolling through pages and pages of quests. This is optimal for both casual and sweaty play.

The Steam release is great because it enables the game to get a larger audience. They really tried to fix a few of the longstanding issues in running-up to that release, which many players who said the game is "dead" if ArenaNet didn't do anything rejoiced about.

They successfully managed to migrate the game to the 2020 era of service games, there's a continuous stream of new content, the add-ons are great and even after >2000 hours I haven't seen everything (for example, I didn't even play the last chapter of LS5 and the latest expansion "End of Dragons" yet!).

If you rush it, you can play through all of the stories in about 50-60 hours, which is a great 2€ per hour at worst. The game has lots of in-game purchases which are all not really needed, but expect to pay another 30-40€ for "essential" items. Read the wiki when you're stuck, it's an excellent resource which is even available ingame by typing /wiki [name of thing] in the chat.
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