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Recent reviews by dmickey

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2 people found this review helpful
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6.0 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game doesn't work in a number of ways for me (Ubuntu 18.04).

Simply crashes when I try starting a new game so just blatantly unplayable.

Also, the autodetected settings are unchangeable. I can change them in the menu, but they don't *actually* do anything, even when I restart. They even persist into the next startup, but they don't actually do anything... pretty pathetic. I can't put the game into windowed either. So I'm stuck with the game on an awkward monitor.

How can someone think they can claim that they made a game that functions for Linux when it doesn't even run on the latest Ubuntu LTS...

...Peter Molyneux tarnishes his once decent reputation yet again.
Posted 30 August, 2018.
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41.0 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
This game has a lot of flaws. I am only giving this a positive review because of Paradox's consistency in ensuring that their releases' major flaws are addressed in future content and for free and because despite these flaws, I still enjoy the game.

Here is what certainly needs to be added, no questions asked:
- They need to add statistics/consumption-production graphs or interfaces. They have a general one, but it's usefulness is limited.
- TL;DR: add downward power storage consumption trend warnings. They need to have some better warnings, specifically regarding power consumption/production. You need power accumulators if you're going to have a solar-reliant power grid. If you have too many, you won't realize you've increased consumption too much until it's too late. Your drone hubs will stop working, your older panels will start breaking, and you'll hardly have any time to build new panels to match your new consumption. They should warn you if you start trending down, or at least give you better/more info. It's fine to have some micromanagement, sure -- but I don't like to be surprised by stupid stuff like this.
- Better colonist management. Their current interfaces leave a lot to be desired or just simply feel incomplete. They have some filters/menus to help you find who does what best, but you can't really use the interfaces to reassign/manage those colonists. It seems like a rushed UI that they didn't have time to finish. I'm sure they'll fix this which is why I'm not too worried. Also, colonists auto-assign themselves to jobs like crazy. It typically works out OK, but come on. I can't tell you how many times I've manually assigned colonists to posts, only to find them reassigning themselves as soon as I look away. Again, this is something I'm sure they will improve/fix.

Some things that I am personally not a fan of (and will probably get mods to change for my own pleasure):
- The severe lack of sustainability: I'm pretty sure that late game some techs open up deeper mining which adds a lot to the sustainability in the slightly longer term. Personally not a fan of the fact that the amount of supplies you have access to would probably only last you a couple hundred Sol (maybe when you get to deeper mining viability goes up to a couple thousand). It tries to add difficulty in this mechanic, when in reality that's not sustainable at all and just adds stress in places that aren't really that much fun for a city builder. It kind of makes it feel like an RTS against nobody. It just isn't that fun of a mechanic for me. After the early-game when you deplete local metal supplies you end up having relatively unsustainable/useless domes that pretty much need to be relocated, with no comfortable mechanic to do so.
- WTF is with rare-metal production to electronic chip production rate. Maybe I'm experiencing a glitch or something but I jam pack rare-metal extractors with mostly geologists and still don't get enough rare metal to supply my electronic chip factory. Even when it's mostly supplied it produces SO few chips that it barely seems to cover it's maintenance costs.
- Maintenance costs: it seems like I'm rebuilding some of the cheaper buildings from scratch every 10 Sol in terms of supply cost. It's pretty ridiculous. Sure maybe this is part of the "difficulty", but it almost seems artificially expensive/difficult and I'd like a dial to make it less so, because I personally like to have fun and not experience difficulty where it doesn't even seem belong. That's just my opinion about it.

The core mechanics seem really fun. Even with these flaws, I'm really enjoying the game. Everything I have mentioned detracts from the game, but they are still pretty manageable. Some people have been hating on it, but I like the soundtrack; it feels fitting.
Posted 16 March, 2018.
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176.4 hrs on record (123.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 25 June, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
2.1 hrs on record
Posted 22 August, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
4 people found this review funny
423.3 hrs on record (118.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
i made bread and ate it too :)
Posted 29 April, 2016.
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61.9 hrs on record (51.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
fun :)
Posted 26 September, 2014.
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431.0 hrs on record (295.8 hrs at review time)
Posted 8 March, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries