Disk Doctor
Nevada, United States
Batlin 25 Dec, 2013 @ 6:24pm 
Hey dude, thanks for Hammerwatch! Pretty dang fun. Did some 3-player local coop and it was rad.

Path of Exile is pretty great I think. As you probably saw, it introduces some novel changes to the genre, has a skill tree that is laughably huge, and seems to have neat meta-features. Kinda like what I'd wished Diablo 3 woulda been, except PoE's overall look and feel aren't as smooth. Played like 10 hours with Matt B, Thayne, and Drew a few weekends ago, tons of fun. Would be awesome to have you in next time, think we were all around lvl 14-16 or so. No idea when we will play next.

Been wracking my brain about the BBS, cannot remember. Might come to me in the shower or the middle of the night or something.

Matt and I try to do Civ 5 on Thursday night, but it only happens about the every other week it seems. You're welcome to play, but we will destroy you. If you wanna practive, we play on Prince difficulty and it seems to be about right.
Batlin 27 Dec, 2012 @ 6:27pm 
Yeah, heard that one was good, but I've bought some console ports lately that really pissed me off with their sucky-ness (Fable 3, Deus Ex), so I've been trying to resist. Lots of folks said it's great on PC, and I do have a Controller so I suppose that one is probably worth it. I'll buy it next year when it is $5.

Also, Mano is actually awesome if you OK with thick layers of cheese like I am.
Disk Doctor 27 Dec, 2012 @ 5:33pm 
You don't have Dark Souls yet. You need that one. Also thanks for the wonderful video below.
Batlin 27 Dec, 2012 @ 11:36am 
Haha, no kidding. How on Earth did I end up with more than 200 games?
Disk Doctor 27 Dec, 2012 @ 11:26am 
Steam Sale = "Should I buy this game? Oh... looks like I already own it."