Randy   Texas, United States
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Review Showcase
609 Hours played
You like ARPG's? I would be highly surprised if you somehow didn't like Grim Dawn after playing. Is it perfect? No, but then is anything perfect? Grim Dawn comes close to being a perfect game in my opinion.

The pros far outweigh the cons. My bigest complaint is the small amount of storage space given considering the plethora of items you will be finding and wanting to keep for making other characters. You can download GD Stash to help with the limited inventory issue for all the epics you will want to hold on to.

Speaking of characters, lots of different ways to build something fun and unique. Yes, there are specific builds that wreck more than other builds, but every character I have made has been fun even if it wasn't the optimal way to do things. You have the ability to retool your character to an extent which makes it easier to experiment with your chosen classes, but you can't completely start your character over once making class choices and putting points into stats which is another small complaint, but somewhat understandable as there wouldn't really be a point in going through the game again if you could just change your character at will. That said, there is already a great character editor for Grim Dawn (GD Defiler) if you want to go that route.

Choice is a big pro and also a slight con in this game. You will spend far too much time trying to figure out exactly what you want to do, especially when you get an item that would work amazingly with a skill you don't yet have. Alt-itis is strong and you will constantly be tempted to start new characters to try out an amazing weapon or armor set you just found.

The story is kind of weak, but it is a bit interesting. Who really plays a game like this for the story though? Wrecking fools and vacuuming loot is the point of ARPG's and Grim Dawn is no exception.

I've played most ARPG's, but Grim Dawn (and Titan Quest, GD's older brother) are the ones I keep coming back to. One somewhat irritating flaw with Grim Dawn is the age of the engine. A super powerful computer isn't going to do you much good with how well the game runs. CPU speed is king here. The game doesn't really care about how many cores you have or what your video card is and will run well on just about anything in the past 5 years, but you will probably notice slowdown in massive battles due to the game engine being optimized for single core processors. The biggest drawback to using the same engine Titan Quest used, but certainly not anything that will keep you from enjoying the game fully. Just don't be surprised if you don't pump out massive FPS at all times.

Grim Dawn is an amazing value at full price, but on sale an absolute steal!