WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!   Torreon, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico
I deleted my discord account forever, it reminded me the time I expelled myself from college... Second best decision in my life!
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Review Showcase
102 Hours played
It's my life... it's now or never...

I loved the early access version, even if all intro was just a paragraph explaining DIFFERENT origins. Early access was full of life, landlord managing, struggling combats, 3D printing and a department store. Release version has instead a dragon age 2 intro, void walkings, no terraria management, useless weapons, low inventory spaces with no way to create your stuff and an abandoned square.

Just like my real life this is not funny and depresing, look i know this has absolutely nothing to do with the game but i will point it anyways: Before i went to college I was like Alex from Stardew Valley. You know, full of hopes and dreams, always smilling and working out like a psycho. After College I became a broken hearted drunkard full of pessimism that just plays videogames and have sex sometimes with a girl or two, just a carcass of an undead vessel. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED WITH THIS GAME, IT WENT TO COLLEGE, MEET A DREAM GIRL, BROKE IT'S HEART IN PIECES, ABANDONED EVERYTHING IT LOVED TO DO AND IT'S JUST UNDEAD.

When i modded this game before was just because I wanted to see other races, maybe having the chozo weapons and prismatic stars as a plus, now i had to MOD IT TO JUST PLAY IT. It was cool that the hunger metter is back, now i have a reason for farming, but what was NOT COOL was forcing minecraft play in order to get that metter, good thing i got a mod that disables loot drop on survival. Miss the old temperature system, and the USEFULL skills like breathers, bounce bubles and such. I had to MOD IT AGAIN to dismiss fall damage in order to beat the first boss.

When you have to mod a game TOO MUCH to be enjoyable is not worth your money, third party unsalaried people is making it fun, not the one who is getting your money. Do yourself a favor and don't buy this... is just a carcass of a great early access game.

What makes this even worse is that developers are just morons that instead of working on the huge issues in the game keep adding collections just like trying to emulate Banjo Kazooei, but banjo kazooei was fun, had charismatic characters instead of generic ones, and ran smooth. Avoid this at all costs, there are cheaper games like terraria that are light years beyond this piece of spaggetti coded pseudo sandbox.
AlbañilKwai_1216 29 Nov, 2024 @ 5:53pm 
e wey devueleveme el tinaco que te preste y jalate por una coca de 3 litros en fa mi compa
Dreadnaught 27 Mar, 2024 @ 10:28am 
Hola muchacho, tu es muy grande el bozo, si?
Jaxx 29 Dec, 2020 @ 12:47am 
Yeah LOL I thought the same!
mimizukari 22 Nov, 2020 @ 10:31am 
how can u say u deleted ur discord account but drop like 5 discord links in ur profile lmao
Jon Shoes 5 Nov, 2020 @ 9:12am 
Hoshi no merry-go-round 16 Sep, 2020 @ 4:17am 