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73.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (54.8 óra az értékeléskor)
The first thing you will notice when playing this game is that it is HARD. While you can kill or incapacitate people with the press of a button, getting away with it is a very daunting task indeed. Your first, second, third try you will fail and fail hard. Instead of giving you the powers of a hitman, the game actually teaches and challenges you to learn to be one. It's the antithesis of shooters where you can kill with impunity and go crouch in a corner for 30 seconds after which all is forgiven and forgotten.

HITMAN is a very unique type of sandbox with just 6 main maps of relatively small size. However, they are perfectly tuned intricate machines with a huge amount of details to discover. Many NPCs lead their own lives, there are multiple obvious and hidden pathways to most locations and there are interconnected events that, with the right timing, allow you to perform some spectacular kills. The easy way through a level is to follow a selection of pre-scripted "opportunities" where you just fulfill some requirements which trigger an animation. They allow for fun kills, usually making it look like an accident, but require no creativity on the player's part. Beyond that, there is plenty to explore for OCD minds. You will want to repeat the level over and over, learning the routines and timing of NPCs, discovering secrets, trying out different disguises, unlocking new starting locations and new gear that allow for different strategies. It's a testament to the superb level design that this is fun and addictive. Some levels are better than others and you will find plenty of rankings in the discussion forum. It's a valid question since you are offered to buy single levels but be careful, the pricing shows the idea is to get you hooked and make you overspend. To me, Sapienza, Paris and Hokkaido are the standout ones.

Graphics are top-notch, just don't expect to see anything of the city you are in. You are always confined to a single location like a hotel. Well, you're there for business, not pleasure Agent 47. Excellent voice acting really adds to the immersion. You will learn to love the voice of Jane Perry as your handler DIana, welcoming you to exotic locations and briefing you on your mission. The choice to have all NPCs in non-English speaking countries speak (accent-free) English is unfortunate but understandable from a marketing point of view (subtitles would turn away some customers). Less understandable (read: ♥♥♥♥ that ♥♥♥♥) is the forced online mode for a single-player game.

One of my favourite games of 2016.
Közzétéve: 2017. január 22.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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0.8 óra a nyilvántartásban
What makes Just Cause 2 the best open world game in existence? You get to enjoy complete freedom in the z-Axis, too!

The ingenious mechanic of grappling hook and infinite parachutes allow you to instantly fly any place you want. In a second you can be up in the sky enjoying the view. And boy are there varied views to enjoy: Snowy mountaintops, lush forests, deserts, beaches, small towns, big cities.

The story is completely ludicrous and dumb in an immensely fun way. And so are the physics. A childish smile on your face is guaranteed the first time you tether a car to an airplane, take off, climb out of the plane mid-flight, jump into the car and then release the tether. You can blow up almost anything and drive every type of vehicle. It's one map, no loading times, and the size of it is simply mindblowing. I have spent well over 200 hours exploring it all.

Car steering is frankly terrible (there is a racetrack on one island) and you cannot enter buildings.

These seem like minor quibbles for a game that has given me a feeling of freedom unlike any other.
Közzétéve: 2016. november 26.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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28.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (14.1 óra az értékeléskor)
Easily, by a very large margin, the most beautiful fictional game world ever created. It's a friggin' Steampunk city in the clouds!! Neoclassical buildings float in the sky and there's a docking schedule when sections of the city dock to each other. So many child dreams coming true here.

The storyline is utterly captivating, introducing you to a seemingly peaceful utopia, until the penny drops and the dystopia underneath is revealed. Themes like choice vs fate and multiple realities are explored, and while story progression is (sometimes literally) on rails, the uniquely captivating world really draws you in.

I have not played the previous two games (yet - this shall be rectified). This was not a problem since Bioshock Infinite is completely disconnected from the others and not a sequel.

An absolute must!
Közzétéve: 2016. november 26. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2016. november 26.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
5 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
0.2 óra a nyilvántartásban
The game is literally a 10 minute long walking simulator telling a story in a nonlinear fashion with jump cuts. 10 minutes. I find it highly unethical to charge money for that.
Edit: Gravity Bone (by the same developer) is about the same length, is free, has actual tasks for the gamer to accomplish and a great twist ending. Play that instead.
Közzétéve: 2016. november 25. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2016. december 2.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
4 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
71.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (67.2 óra az értékeléskor)
Got a job in a new city. Arrived, asked around, but couldn't find my employer's contact. Met a girl who invited me to a party! Went to the party, turns out she's got a boyfriend. Figures. Got drunk until I passed out. Highly accurate real life simulator.

Oh, except that every object in the world is made of code and you can hack it. The first time I analyzed a soda can and saw it spied on me and reported back to a central server I knew I was going to join the hacker resistance.

The beautiful art style, the unprecedented amount of freedom to do and hack whatever you want in the sandbox world and the laid-back vibe of the storyline make this my favourite game of 2015.
Közzétéve: 2016. november 25.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1.5 óra a nyilvántartásban
A beautifully curated collection of one man's hobbies that you can walk through: Craft beer (quite the Gueuze fan), boardgames (Catan, Carcassonne etc.) and collectible card games (Netrunner), Jazz vinyl, Polish movie posters, Sheet music, hash cookies and the circus. It's quick, visually impressive and has a nice jazz electronica soundtrack. Afterwards, make sure to grab the free music mix from all the vinyl featured in the game from the band's website.
Közzétéve: 2016. október 31.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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