1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 90.5 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 Jan @ 5:47am

Vastly superior to REMAKE in all areas, and probably the best FInal Fantasy game to be released since the Zodiak Age...

Performance-wise, the game is running beautifully on my RTX4080 (as it should!!). With everything maxed out I get a flat 120fps @ 1440p with virtually no drops in framerate, and zero stutters.

Gameplay is night and day different from recent franchise titles. Gone is the 'entirely on rails' experience, now that kind of stuff is reserved for smaller story progression segments which then lead to open world regions packed with hunting/grinding possibilities. You no longer have to wait until towards the end of the game to be able to work on your levelling, a sadly common crux of previous titles.

Side quests are much better than REMAKE and that abomination FF16. The new crafting system is fine but would like it expanded upon in the next title.

Combat... oh wow. So damn good and smooth, with a new perfect dodge/guard system that lets you counter enemy attacks, synergy attacks that allow for awesome combos with team mates... it is the best real-time combat system they have devised so far.

So far, an outstanding game and absolutely the best way to forget the complete turds that were FF15 and 16, and the overly linear REMAKE.
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