Dr_K [Rosencrantz]
United States
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Currently Offline
Cylon_Luvr 22 Jan, 2021 @ 1:02pm 
Hi. Might seem like a very left of field request... however I was hoping that you might be able to build a custom mod for me for Sid Miers Beyond Earth: Rising Tide? Basically the idea is to add a "vassal" player to the game.
It would be a simple mod where:

1. An enemy you are at war with offers peace terms automatically when they only have their capital city left where they will offer to become an unending ally with you (they cannot declare war on you, but you can still declare war and wipe them out if you want) and offer to give you tribute of 25 energy, and 2 of each resource each turn. They cannot declare war on anyone.
2. If you liberate a city and bring a dead player back to life, they automatically are the same as mentioned above - an unending ally with all the same conditions.

I would like to discuss how I can provide a donation to help you to develop this mod.
LJK 11 Jul, 2019 @ 7:46pm 
It's awesome, thanks for the hard work. - LK
Dr_K [Rosencrantz] 11 Jul, 2019 @ 2:46pm 
No worries! I hope you are enjoying the mod.
LJK 10 Jul, 2019 @ 4:04pm 
Gladen advised me that it's supposed to look as such. Thanks for your time

LJK 10 Jul, 2019 @ 3:53pm 
Dr_K [Rosencrantz] sorry to bother you, but I cannot get any answer through the discussions...

Is the first campaign surface map in the new Shadow Realms beta release supposed to look washed out and grey, but visible? I have all 4 mods that required. I wasn't sure if my system was buggin' or perhaps it's m,eant to look that way, but I haven't found a single scrfeenshot that looks similar.

I can provide a photo of that map in question, if youd want. Thanks, hope to hear back from you.
