Combat   Tel Aviv, Israel
I've become so much like Eren Jaeger it's scary.

I wear black cardigans, verbally assault women, and physically assault my friends.

When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means fight fight in american.)

I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to wear it in a bun and I don't care what people think so shut the ♥♥♥♥ up Hange.

I always leave an open wound on my hand, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I am in control.

When I see dogs being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am.

I can't have sex with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Mikasa or Historia, both of whom remind me of Armin.

When I order fast food, I refuse to call them french fries and insist on calling them freedom fries.

I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.
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Go ahead, call me lonely, a simp, or horny These are MY FUCKING FEELINGS. I want to have the roughest and hottest sex with Pieck Finger. Seriously. Her cute accent, her lovely face, and her supple body drive me to horny madness. Every inch of her would be
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Its like being Guko in a world of crippled Krillirns.
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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Me After my homie drops a 500kg bomb on me but democracy protects.
I want Makina from Chainsaw Man to be my master
I 👁 want 😋 to be Makima's dog 🐶. I 👁 want 😋 to completely 🚫 submit 😯 to Her 👩 superior 🎰 will and I 👁 want 😋 HER 👩 to decide 👯 for me. Now, you 👈 might 🔍 say 🗣, "haha 😂 what a simp 🤑", like 💖 a uncultured 🐖🐷 plebe you 👉 are. So, let 🙆 me ask 🙏 you 👈 this: what AUDACITY 🤦‍♂️ you 👉 must 👫 have, to assume 🤔 a mere 😐💀 human 🤦👦😤 like 💖 you 👈 can possess 👻 a superior 👁👃 judgment ⚖ to this omnipotent 💫 being known 🎓 as MAKIMA (PBUH 😥😣)? What makes 🖕 you 👈 think 🤔 this divine 👼🏻 being's 😏💦👅 intelligence 🧠 is even 🌃 remotely 📺 comparable 🤲 to your 👉 sorry 💔🙇 pathetic 😂 ape 🐵♻ brain 😵? You 👉 see 👁, I 👁 understand 📚 that I'm 👌 inferior 😤 to this embodiment 👤 of perfection 👌💦, and I'm 💘 willing 🅱 to submit ❗ to Her 👸 FULLY 🌝. Oh 🙀, what an idyllic life 💓🆗🆒 it must 👫 be. Even 🌃 being in the presence 🎁 of such a goddess 💐🖼 is ecstatic 🍲 enough 💦, but 🍑 her 👩 actively 🚬 interacting 👋😄😋 with you 👉 and giving 🎁 you 👉 commands 📜 that directly ➡ benefit 😂 you 👈? This must 👫 be what people 👩👨 refer 👀👄🙀 to as heaven 👼🏻👼🏿. You 👈 wouldn't 😩 believe 🙏🙌✝ what I 👁 would give 🎁 up ☝ to be a subject 😙 of Her 👩 interest 👫🤔, to hear 👂 Her 👩 polite 🤘🤔🤤 but 🍑 austere commands 🤺, to fulfill 🗣 Her 👩 every ☝ demand 😤 with infinite ♾💭 diligence 🏹🛡, to be ready 👍 to serve 💁 Her 👸 at Her 👩 slightest 👌 whim. For my loyal ☁ servitude 🎇🎆🎉, She 👩 will reward 💰 me with her 👩🏻 subtle 👉👌😻 touch 👈 and contented voice 🗣, and every ☝ syllable 🔪 will make 💘 my heart ❤ race 🏃 uncontrollably ➕. For my greatest 😇 feats 🚀🌕, that I 👁 will accomplish 💰 in Her 👩 name 📛, she 👩 might 💪 reward 💰 me with the UTMOST 🔝 PRIVILEGE 💰💘 of cleaning ✨ her 👩🏼 body 😍👗 with my tongue 👅. Even 🌃 thinking 💭 about 💦 such a thing 📴 makes 🛠 me flinch 😫😌, as if I 👁 have committed 💍💏 a blasphemy 😡 against 🚫 Her 👸 divine 😇🌤 self 💯. However 🖐, if She 👩 wills 🍡 to grant 🐩🙏🏾 me such an inhuman 🐲👹 degree 🔥🌡 of pleasure 🙏, I 👁 will carry 🔛 it out with absolute 🙀 diligence 🏹🛡 and commitment 👩‍🔬, savouring 👼 every 💯 PLANCK'S MASS 😩 of her 🏿👩 heavenly 🌌🌤 sweat 💦 that touches ✋ my unworthy 😤 of this sensation 💰 tongue 👅. Of course 🏎, my pathetic 😂 human 👤 body 😍, when ⏰ confronted with such otherworldly pleasure 🙏, will make 💘 my genitals 🍆🍠 ejaculate 💦😩 with all 💯 their might 🔍. Then, I 👥 will make 💘 sure 👍🏼 to consume 👅 all 💯 of my semen 🌊, while my divine 😇🌤 Mistress 🦹 will watch 👀 me with a faint 😱 smile 😀 on 🔛 her 👩 perfect 💯 face 😀. For then She 👩🏻 will truly 💯 know 🤔, that I 👁 am the most loyal 💯 of her 👸 dogs 🐶.
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Rainray 22 Jan @ 6:53am 
+rep top tier player
Beazerdred 15 Nov, 2024 @ 8:00am 
good profile, relentless player
Male🟣 18 May, 2024 @ 10:44am 
goat :3
76561199447639233 15 May, 2024 @ 4:46pm 
+rep pretty good player <3
㋛SIT ON MY HEAD㋛ 11 May, 2024 @ 12:20pm 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
Shakagul 8 Mar, 2024 @ 3:12am 
ty for game