Chelsea   British Columbia, Canada

When evil shows up it blows up.


I am Raziel, first-born of His lieutenants. I stood with Kain and my brethren at the dawn of the empire. I have served Him a millennium. Over time, we became less human and more... divine. Kain would enter the state of change and emerge with a new gift. Some years after the master, our evolution would follow. Until I had the honor of surpassing my lord. For my transgression, I earned a new kind of reward... agony.
Bone apple tea.
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I played this back on ps3 when it ran below 25fps and even then it was probably one of my favourite titles. It needs so much more recognition.

It's like all of my favourite games rolled into one tasty treat. Sure it has its drawbacks compared to some games like say Dragon Age, it's story simply doesn't compare.

But you won't be playing this for story anyways. It's the combat, and how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ satisfying it is. Not to mention some of the beautiful spells that can be cast. The mage classes in this are very fun to play and completely over the top with the spells.

I mean ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Some of the fights can be dragged on like in Monster Hunter, which makes the payout all the more exciting. I was exploring a region in early game as a magic archer and I came across a golem. I was not prepared at all, but I wasn't just gonna run away. So this fight took place over like two ingame days. Non stop. We were doing so little damage. But through reading the enemies attacks and dodging accordingly and figuring out how to cause the thing to trip to get that one last weak spot we finally defeated the damn thing. The next golem I encountered lasted nowhere near as long thankfully. But that first fight was memorable and so damn satisfying.

Did I also mention this game has a climbing system? Tell me one other game where you can set yourself on fire grab a griffon, climb unto its back and set its wings ablaze, rendering it unable to fly for some time.

If you can get past the initial washed out visuals you're in for a treat.

Also there's an affinity system in the game, which means you can romance any npc you can speak to.[]

And I haven't even brought up the Bitterblack Isles content, which is much, much darker than the base game. It's also very unforgiving, so be prepared.

I would recommend this game wholeheartedly if you're at all a fan of rpgs, there are so many aspects I haven't even touched on, like loot and gear. Hell even character creation is open enough to create some true monstrosities.

I hope to all that's good that capcom sees the potential in this series and we see a sequel, just imagining a Dragon's Dogma 2, with all these systems in place built upon and fleshed out even more is like a dream come true. Hell I'd love to see true co-op as well.

Mathue24 1 May, 2022 @ 4:39pm 
⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠁ 👁️ ⠄⢹⣿⡗⠄ 👁️ ⢄⡀⣾⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿
Cheese Egg 17 Aug, 2021 @ 1:53pm 
It's better to have a gun and need it than to not have a gun and not need it
Cheese Egg 15 Aug, 2021 @ 5:33pm 
Cheese Egg 20 Jul, 2021 @ 12:15am 
80, 90 times, that's too many times.
Robin 3 Jul, 2021 @ 3:51am 
You know it buddy. :steamthumbsup:
Cheese Egg 3 Jul, 2021 @ 3:50am 
You been killing any goopy guys lately bud?