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Recent reviews by ChoskarChulian

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1 person found this review helpful
2,164.5 hrs on record (295.2 hrs at review time)
Its awesome
Posted 28 May, 2018.
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113.5 hrs on record (93.0 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AWESOME!!!!

- Extremly moody, creepy and VERY IMMERSIVE atmosphere
-> *****Extremly awesome apocalypse-world, it just feels superb*****
- Awesome Visuals [the simplicity of the dark tunnels, the orange flames etc. I LOVE it}
- Really scary at times
- Lots of unique interesting parts [not just shoot kill all the time]
- EXTREMLY tough AI at times, I never had firefights as intense as in this game before, it is so Awesome
- Great Story

Posted 3 April, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
9.9 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
- Relativly short, about 6 hours if I recall correctly
- Reeeeeeeeallly scary
- Easy Controls, fluid gameplay
- No weak parts, good from start to finish

7.5/10 the only bigger negative is the somewhat short length
Posted 3 April, 2015.
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4 people found this review helpful
33.8 hrs on record (24.5 hrs at review time)
- 10 hours gameplay
- Reeeeeeeeal nice gameplay [no blind shooting, you need to aim well and shoot of the limbs]
-> Not always shooting, at times it´s just quiet ´n creepy. Also there´s always a couple of easy, fun puzzles
- Reeeeeeeeal nice gore
- Awesome [creepy] Atmosphere

There ain´t no big negatives, truly a good game, the sequels all rock, too.
Posted 3 April, 2015.
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41.7 hrs on record (32.2 hrs at review time)
Super ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ epic. Buy it. NAOW. [also do not read any reviews, don´t watch anything on YT, in general go completly unknowing like me into the game. don´t ask why. just trust me] PS: FRIGGIN GET IT, I loved it. :)
Posted 20 August, 2014.
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3.7 hrs on record
ATTENTION: Following Review regards only the Regular Mulitplayer of Black Ops II [so no Zombies or Campaign here].

Review made Short: This game [the regular multiplayer].. Is F*CKING AWESOME.

Expanded Review:
Multiplayer near its perfection [almost].
The super smooth cod gameplay we all know and love [even though some dont wanna admit it] but even more fast and hyperactive than usual.
The super unbalanced and r*tarded sh*t from other cods is not seen here.
Some people b*tch about some things, like the so called "Target Finder" but I find that all the stuff people complain about is easily counterable and I never had a problem with any of it.
This means, whenever you play better than your opponent, you ALWAYS win. Everyone who tells you anything else is just excusing his sh*tty skill level.

Everything here just clicks. Some great maps [lots of small, super fast paced ones], literally none of them truly bad. Huge variety in guns and perks and tons of fun ways to play.
Oh, Did I mention that the PC version of this game has no lag issues?

There is ALOT more stuff I love but I won´t write it down as I don´t wanna bore you for too long, so here the few negatives:
- 90% of the player population concentrates on 38% of the available game modes, meaning the remaining 80% of gamemodes like Multi-Team-Deathmatch or Capture the Flag are LITERALLY unplayable because there´s noone around to play with [this negative point ONLY APPLIES TO THE PC VERSION!!!]
- Skill Based Matchmaking. It really depends on the individual whether you see this as a negative point or not. I personally don´t mind but alot of other folk do

If you buy it and you play some games where you don´t do so good, remember [and I´m speaking from experience here]. If you´re the "master of yourself", if you got yourself under control, if you play smart, tactical and remain cool-headed (!) you will do great in this game. Your brain will tell you otherwise. It will tell you that gun is overpowered and that person only won because he was camping yada yada yada but no dude.. Atleast in this game. It´s 99,99% of the time your fault when you die.

So should you get it?
---->> F*ck yeah, you should! :D <<----
Posted 28 March, 2014. Last edited 28 March, 2014.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries