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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 415.8 hrs on record (56.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 2 Mar, 2022 @ 5:32pm

I have enjoyed almost 60 hours in this game so far, and I've only beat 2 unique bosses, highly recommend!

Do be aware that this soon after release there is still a minor issue on some machines with asset streaming and shader compilation that may cause temporary lockups on higher end machines and minor stuttering on lower end machines due to the higher end machines attempting to load larger assets. Theoretically this should be fixable via patches so this complaint may become outdated quickly. If you have issues try extending your play session and if a boss is causing issues try baiting attacks for awhile to get particle effects to load in (which may stutter/lockup) and then once the framerate smooths out begin pressing the attack.

I only I had a giant but hole!
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