1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 1,503.9 год. загалом (1,018.4 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 3 січ. 2016 о 7:41

A psychotic game that personally, is extremely fun, WHEN THERE ISNT F2P TACTICS ON THE OTHER TEAM. (Balancing issues might change in the future, this was typed during the tough break update) Currently, the game is balanced for the most part, except for the tactics that break the game, which are the most rewarding. An example of the game are the Phlog, where instead of being able to kill the pyro, if you are too close to the pyro, the crits will kill you instantly, and you have no chance of escape except for running while the uber period is active. The W+m1 now is a cheap tacting that's a ♥♥♥♥♥ to play against, and extremely easy and rewarding to play as. However, if you find a server without such cheap tactics, the game is very fun, tending to every type of playstyle, With the Rushers being soldiers and Scouts, People who dont like being on the front lines: Spies and Snipers, and so on. Furthermore, each class has its own varieties. An example of this is the stickybomb Demo, and the Shield Demo. It can go from being a defensive class with the stickybombs, to an extremely rush heavy character, due to the charge. Another topic of notability is the legacy server browser. What this does is lets people choose what they want to play, instead of just the vanilla game. Awesome Game.
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Patata 5 січ. 2016 о 14:45 