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1.9 Hours played
Welcome to Toribash Next! In this game, you will experience abhorrent physics, unbearable lag, horrible netcode/multiplayer system, unpleasant visuals, awful sound design, unbalanced mechanics, sluggish and gross movement, garbage controls, a terrible menu, countless bugs, and every problem present in the original game.

You want good physics? Too bad! You get a physics engine where doing anything can result in your Tori flying into the stratosphere or flailing everywhere. During one of my multiplayer matches I had a sword in my hand, and started randomly sliding in a circle after putting the top of the sword into the floor while still holding it.

You want a fun multiplayer experience? Not happening. Instead, you get a lag-fest, where you may have to measure time in minutes per turn due to lag. You also receive terrible 4-player experiences where other players can steal your spot mid-match if you are playing with multiple Toris at once (which the game lets you do if the player count isn't 4 yet). I lost a match because someone who joined mid-match decided they wanted to steal one of my spots. Additionally, for every player in the room, there's a visible camera model that can completely block your view, in case you wanted to actually look at your Tori.

You want appealing visuals? Oops! The developers decided that the tranquil empty plane of the original game is too boring, so we ruined the look of the background, and they also decided that every Tori would by default be the worst shade of gray possible. To add, the ghosts are also gray and make the game way more confusing, since it's hard to tell whose ghost is whose. Plus, the rendering system is awful, making the ghosts look far more solid than they should be, interfering with movement and planning.

You want a game that has at least halfway decent sound design? That's unfortunate. This game's sounds are all mixed horribly, which is most evident in the music. Each song that appears in the game is ripped from the original game, which would be nice, if they didn't completely change how they sound and screw with the stereo levels. Additionally, I could go without hearing an awful shouting noise every time someone joins my multiplayer lobby.

You want competitively viable mechanics? Keep dreaming. The point system is entirely broken, since you can get all your hard-earned points taken away at complete random. Additionally, the weapons have no balancing. You'd expect that landing gunshots gives you tons of points, but they only give you 100 points per hit. For context, I played a game with guns, missed every shot, yet still got 1,000 points by touching another player's foot.

You want satisfying or fast movement? Tough. What you get is slow, unresponsive joints that only move fast when you are flying all over the place. You also get the most disgusting over-extended joints that could easily make anyone shudder. Additionally, the ghost moves unbearably slow, so adjusting your Tori quickly is next to impossible without an instinctual knowledge of how your Tori moves, which is impractical because the game could decide you made a wrong move and make you fly all over the place.

You want controls that work? You won't find that here! Controlling your Tori is miserable, due to the complete lack of consistency. Sometimes, playing this devolves into a game of "move the camera around randomly so that you can move a single joint," because moving joints doesn't always work. You could be hovering your mouse right over the joint with the clearest view of it, and the game still refuses to change its state when you click, scroll, or press Z/X while hovering over it. Also, hardly any of the useful hotkeys from the original game exist in this one, which makes creating replays a chore.

You want a menu that isn't ridiculously unintuitive? Unlucky. The game's menu is sorted terribly and has had buttons completely vanish. God forbid you want to leave a multiplayer room to watch a replay, because then you have to click on a button that no longer exists to get to the top of the menu, just so you can click on replays. Saving replays is also a hassle, since you can't name them, and have to either have auto-save on, or click a button hidden behind a separate menu bound to a different button.

You want to play a game that doesn't have a laundry list of game-breaking bugs? You'd better look somewhere else. The sheer quantity of game-breaking bugs this game contains is unholy. I've even mentioned a few here, like the random removal of points or your Tori being shot into the stratosphere, but there's also various crashes, collision issues, rendering problems, and countless other bugs that would take too long to name here. If you want to see a more comprehensive list of the bugs present here, the Toribash forums have some threads about this game's bugs. Plus, all the issues that the original game had, such as the random lopsided physics that prevented symmetrical movement are only made worse in this version.

You want to play a fun game? You've come to the wrong place. This game is completely unplayable. The fact that we waited 7 years for this is insulting. I haven't been able to play this game for more than 30 minutes per week because of how miserable it is to play. Just play the original. That game is actually good.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! This game spells the word "right" wrong. This isn't a joke. You can see this in the game by hovering over your right shoulder or right elbow to see "Rigth Bicep" or "Rigth Tricep." What a joke.

My Glitchwave review: https://glitchwave.com/game/toribash-next/review/Zassafras/89179189/
ᴢᵃṣₛₐᶂɾᵅ​ᶳ 15 May, 2020 @ 6:11pm 
i got the terraria achievement "Supreme Helper Minion!" before 1.4 came out.
that is my biggest accomplishment in life.