Jayden "Cobra" Taylor   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
yes im a brony get over it
*spiderman picks u up n throws u out 4 bein a duche*
"np" -piderman

if u dont who iam or what i do them GET OUT NOW!!! :D

about me: "Alone and she's wondering why she hasnt been feelin like she's going to die, she hides from the cameras and begins to cry, she'll never believe the cake is a lie."

pls go this site = www.youareanidioit.org
Age: 17
Skill: v.high n everything
country: ur sistrs but
clan: [BRONY] (the original not n e posers)

i like homestuck so much too, here's my fantroll!:

Name: Lukao Wolffang
age: 6 alternian solar sweeps (13 earth years)
gender: male/female (whatever he wants 2 b)
Hair color: white like the sun during day, grey like moon at nite
sign: the great wolf star
ancestor: The Savior
matesprit: Sollux Captor
morial: Nepeta Leijon
kismesis: Equius Zahhak
Blood: mutant blood (has white blood)
Personality: loner, hyperactive, smart, practial, resourceful
Lusus: Wolfmother
weapon: dual wields scythes

remember 2 leave a BRO-HOOF!!! in ma coments :)
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