Mr. Domino
Ben   United States
:hype: XBL: bendomino :mrcat: PSN: Kobun_360 :pigeon: 3DS: 0362-2494-3575 :Kitty:
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Review Showcase
You go into the game and see that it uses just one button. You press it when against people to talk and against chests to open them. "OK, so this is just a ColecoVision-style adventure game." Then you talk to someone to heal him, and that's when the shooting starts.

Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt is a cute single screen shooting game which uses auto-fire. This makes it play unlike most single screen Robotron-inspired shooters and gives it a fresh feeling. Difficulty curve is excellent, but any shoot-em up veteran won't have any problems here. I only "died" on an optional challenge, and the game took me just a little over an hour to get everything but the Jealous Chest. (The Jealous Chest is the other optional challenge and something you'd want to consider for a second playthrough.)

This game is too good to be free. The soundtrack is great, the graphics are understated but solid, and the story is just too charming. Off to play the sequel!
Screenshot Showcase
I love this game.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Stuff I'm playing
2020-2024 | Recently Played
Basically Rocket League, PSO2, and SF6. I'll update this after I have time to run through my achievements to remember what I've played.
Stuff I'm playing continued...
2019 | Recently Played
Rocket League (XBO) I love and hate this game. Top 5 game ever easy for me.
Dead or Alive 6 (XBO) Because I don't have enough fighters in my backlog. I really just miss VF.
Asura's Wrath (360) Already beat but just got the DLC. Can't out-button-mash Evil Ryu. :/
Samurai Showdown (XBO) Happy to have Poppy back, but game's not visually on Capcom's level.
ToeJam & Earl BITG (XBO) Nice but seems a bit aimless and cluttered.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey (XBO) I am playing too much stuff at once... Pretty, but not RDR2 pretty.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (XBO) Slow and clunky start, but I understand it gets better...
Dragon Ball Fighters Z (XBO) I'm so impressed how this captured the feel of the show.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (XBO) Fun multi-player game and about halfway done.
Overcooked 2 (XBO) Throwing really makes the game, but still haven't tried on-line.
Overcooked (XBO) This got my girlfriend to finally play and I grabbed the sequel within a week.
Culdcept Revolt (3DS) Same old Culdcept. Better voice and dialogue than 360 game but less pixels.

2019 | Finished
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (XBO) Nice adventure game. KILL THOSE MURDERERS DEAD!
Dr. Mario World (IOS) Enjoyed it but the RNG and P2P nature wore me out. Left @ 2100 in Tier 5.
Riverbond (XBO) Simple hack-and-slash. Nothing special but decent time-waster.
South Park Fractured But Whole (XBO) Tame compared to Stick of Truth but funnier and better.
Adventures of Pip (XBO) Ugly but decent platformer. Don't regret but hardly memorable.
Life is Strange (XBO) Want to say overrated, but it's well done, just with dull characters I never liked.
Guacamelee 2 (XBO) Story isn't as good, more of the same, and game is more difficult, but lots fun.
Olli Olli 2 (XBO) Fun game with too many useless moves. Glad Games With Gold exposed me to it.
Celeste (XBO) This was a GWG freebie, and it's incredible. Still need B- and C-sides.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (XBO) Beat it in 2017, now again on Xbox. Still need Monster Boy...
Guacamelee Super Turbo Blah Blah Blah (XBO) Second time playing. Very nice platformer.
Red Dead Redemption II (XBO) Hey Mister! Still so much left to do after credits...

2018 | Finished
Forza Horizon 4 (XBO) Like the world better than FH3 though less terrain variety.
Candleman (XBO) Woefully generic name but fantastic platformer. Really surprised me.
Super Bomberman R (XBO) Damn the AI is tough. Crappy story, ugly artwork, but plays OK.
Unravel (XBO) Gorgeous platformer and plays well enough. Not racing for the sequel though.
Nier Automata (XBO) Wanted this so bad. It's an overhyped PS2 game with a mostly bad story.
Beyond Eyes (XBO) This is the most boring walk I've ever taken. Terrible game.
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary (XBO) Beat all the arcade games. Terrible port but still Third Strike.
Forza Horizon 3 (XBO) This game is too pretty. Music A+. Racing is OK.
Kirby Planet Robobot (3DS) A bit gimmicky and a bit different playing but still a great Kirby game.
Yoku's Island Express (XBO) Charming and well designed pinball adventure felt made for me.
Assassins Creed Origins (XBO) Curse of the Pharaohs is amazing for an AC game.
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (XBO) Really nice game. Uneven difficulty. Still miss dancing.
Ori and the Blind Forest (XBO) Really pretty game with OK level design and combat. Very good.
Batman: Arkham Knight (XBO) Technically not finished. Stupid tanks. Will edit once complete.

2018 | Taking a Break / Abandoned:
Human Fall Flat (XBO) One of those crappy physics indies, but 2-player makes the game.
So Many Me (XBO) Looks like something I'd like, bu those spotlight cannons ruin the game for me.
Transistor (PC) Started listening to soundtrack... now playing game. Seems OK to start.
Life is Strange (XBO) Can't get into this, but still giving it a chance. Hella something something.
Tempest 4000 (XBO) Very disappointed in how sluggish it is. Will try again before writing it off.
Shining Resonance Refrain (XBO) Generic and repetitive yet well written. Meh but still going at it.
Never Alone (XBO) Think I'm about halfway through... and it's horribly bland. Real disappointment.

2017 | Finished
Blue Dragon (360) Enjoyed this a lot more than I anticipated. Not a grind like most JRPGs, too.
Kirby Super Star (SNES) Via Kirby's Dream Collection. Best game on SNES. Fight me.
Kirby's Dream Land (Gameboy) Via Kirby's Dream Collection. OK game but not much to it.
Crusader of Centy (GEN) Regret not buying this because it's super expensive, but not that good.
Monster World IV (PS3) Fantastic game. Then you get to the conveyor belts. Still great stuff.
Wonder Boy in Monster World (PS3) Asha's game is better, but I love this one more.
Super Turrican 2 (SNES) Don't understand the hype for this boring game. Great music though.
A Link to the Past (SNES) Good puzzles. Middling combat. Such slowdown. Nice game.
GunForce (SNES) I actually own the arcade game. Seemed amazing back then. Kinda meh.
Strider (SMS) This should never have happened. Terrible game. Should have went NES route.
Klax (MD) The 90s are over, but here I am, playing Klax. It's OK.
Fantasy Zone II (SMS) Excellent shooter. Needs FM sound mod. I like Opa-Opa.
Dyna Brothers 2 (MD) Good RTS, but yeesh is this hard. Too bad it never got translated.
Cat Bird (iOS) Cute and challenging platformer. Would have enjoyed more without all the ads.
Card City Nights 2 (PC) Still broken but still a very entertaining card adventure. Hidden boss OP.
Guwange (360) It's beautiful, but I don't care for how it plays. Rather Elemental Master.
Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt (PC) Excellent cute, free adventure shooter! Go play it!
Sonic Mania (PC) Denuvo. :/ Wish it was more Sonic 2 than Sonic 3, but still pretty good.
Assassin's Creed (360) Terrible game, but I finally got all of the stupid flags and templars.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (PC) This game is gorgeous. Best retro remake by far.
OutRun Online Arcade (360) Splash Wave is just as nice as Magical Sound Shower. Drove Route C.
Pink Heaven (PC) "Cute, free 'demo'" sequel. Nice but not as interesting as Pink Hour.
Mute Crimson+ (PC) Loved it on Xbox 360, and this enhanced version is better than expected.
You Have to Win the Game (PC) Secret word is dumb, but it's better than expected. Nice game.
Eversion (PC) Rawr Cthulhu. OK indie platformer, but wouldn't be worth buying if not for cards.
Pink Hour (PC) Cute, free "demo" game. About 15 min. between normal and hard modes to beat.
Pony Island (PC) Rawr Satan. Interesting experience but will never play again.
8-Bit Bayonetta (PC) I got all the achievements, so this counts as completed, right?
Drill Dozer (GBA) Fantastic game. So satisfying shifting gears, and the levels are super clever.
Astro Boy: Omega Factor (GBA) I'm now an expert on Astro Boy. New movie was disappointing.
Little Big Planet 3 (PS3) Very disappointing start but the best LBP by far thanks to Oddsock.
Super Mario Run (iOS) Updates are garbage, but this is challenging and fun. 0515-0547-9678
The Monkey King (Wii) Terrible shooter. Bought it at a used store cheap. Regret.
Kirby Epic Yarn (Wii) Love Kirby. Fantastic game. Too many wallpapers to collect.
Tomb Raider (360) Really liked this one. Lara's boring as is the plot, but it's a fun game.
Super Paper Mario (Wii) Not crazy about the change in direction, but still a good game.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GameCube) Solid, charming game. Stupid daisies.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (Vita) Rocky start but amazing sequel. Chapter 5 is brilliant.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Vita) Never thought I'd love a visual novel. <3 Asahina

2017 | Taking a Break / Abandoned:
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp (iOS) This is garbage. I wasted too much time giving it a chance.
Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS3) Bought cheap at Walmart. It's not Third Strike. :( Just can't get into it.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventur
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Sega-16 - Public Group
Come for the memories. Stay for the games.
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Gga on the remix 22 Dec, 2024 @ 2:54am 
i got a copy for OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast for trade and i saw your post on OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast Discussions
VEL 10 Oct, 2020 @ 10:12pm 
Hey, I'm clearing out my friends list besides people I know IRL or that I have a connection with online, but feel free to add me back if you'd like to or if I've made a mistake in removing you! - victoriabunny123