4 people found this review helpful
12.9 hrs last two weeks / 5,129.7 hrs on record (107.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 May, 2020 @ 4:04pm
Updated: 8 May, 2022 @ 2:42pm

An absolutely addictive survival horror. Playing killer is also thrilling! Queue times could be shorter in non peak-times and some killers hit boxes could be nerfed but this game is still very fun!

I'm nearing 3000 hours into the game now, I can still highly recommend this more so to my first review when I barely had decent playtime in the game. The Devs are constantly improving the game graphically (with new updates to a lot of maps as well as items), adding more characters and cosmetics, more challenges & listening to the community with ongoing bugs and issues. The team is very involved with the community doing streams on twitch both dev related and community fun. Very active on twitter and feels more intimate than bigger game companies.
I've encouraged many friends to play this and so far all have thoroughly enjoyed it and still play! I've also met many new friends in-game & on socials related to DBD. The game does have its cons as do all games but, with how the team handles issues and bugs/complaints, most of the cons do get the attention they need.

- Queue times with Cross Play switched off are far too long.
- Nothing really happens when you report toxic or abusive players
- Cosmetics are too expensive for what they are - more alternatives and better price scaling for Cells & Shards could be changed as well as more cosmetics in general with more ways to get earn them
- Maps are too dark - most maps feel too dark even with brightness all the way up & monitor all the way up. Having to change settings to Med or Low just to see better even on the newly updated maps.
- Many perks and add - ons need a buff/ nurf or just removed (Why have Premonition??)
- DC penalty should be re assessed for cases of campers or rage-quitters. Similarly, killers who face camp should be punished via scoring heavily. (obviously it is a strategy when Killers are losing the gens but maybe find some compromise for/against survivors too)
- MANY BUGS/STUTTERS/LATENCY ISSUES - seems to be more every time there's a patch or update?!

+ Very open to meeting new friends in-game & via socials
+ Games feel rewarding when played balanced on both sides (non camping tunnel killers or gen rushers)
+ Customisation/ outfits is great (however desiring new and plenty more variety)
+ BP gaining system and lock on 1 million encourages to play often and invest - updated now to over-cap when earning up to 1 mil per rank reset.
+ Steam achievements are fun and some are rather difficult - more rewarding.
+ New updates are making the game still playable & enjoyable over time (minus the bugs)
+ Playing your fave killers from movie franchises and just playing creative killer powers in general (my fave = The Plague)

So overall, I do still recommend this game. Takes a little time to get used to and there is a toxic behaviour within the community but staying positive and just having fun makes this game enjoyable for hours mostly with friends :)
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