Luís Pimentel   Amadora, Lisboa, Portugal
Before adding me, please comment on my profile the reason for such. I recommend reading my friend list rules as well, but they're common sense, so don't worry much about it. [MORE BELOW]
If you were added instead, it's because I love you and you can ignore the rules <3
Thanks for the visit! <3
Failure to comply with the rules will result in you being denied, removed or blocked.
If you ever see this profile on private, then something has gone terribly wrong with my account or me.
Make sure you also take notice of my status from time to time.
My other usernames and aliases include, but are not limited to: "KOOLGUY® (PT)" ; "Tiago" ; "Barata" ; "UNION-1" ; "Grifo" ; "Fox" ; "Likulau" ; "1473" ; "Do'Arata" ; "Bat".
Account Portals:
Fearless Community []
Battlefield 3 []
Roblox []
Gamebanana []
Social Club []
Nebulous []
TruckersMP []
My permanent Steam ID is: 76561198067052598
My SteamID is: STEAM_0:0:53393435
Currently Online
Current Status

I am a 24 years old (Birthday: -05-12) gamer, furry, and brony that spends some of his time playing Garry's Mod, and a security guard

Singleplayer games are criminally underrated and I love them.

Notable Positions
• Security Guard
TruckersMP [] Retired Staff Member

List of Honour
This is a list to all of my esteemed friends who are important to my life. I will devote my life to protect these people and their honour.

[CZ] Colonel Clanny
Mexican Spoods

Terms of Friend List Services and Respective Transgressions
Updated: 2021-11-13:
•Overhauled most rules; removed several rules that were deemed too draconic (ironically).
•Replaced §0.
•Removed §2.
•Updated §3.
•Removed §9.
•Updated §11.
•Removed §14.
•Updated §16.
•Added §2 (Old §0 moved to new §2)

All of the rules are common sense. You don't need to read all of them; just don't be an idiot.

§1• Always post your reason in the comments on why you are adding me. The reason for this rule being to prove you are human and not an automated bot. Failure to do so will result in the request being denied, and if your account is private, a block. I have the right to not accept you if your reason is insufficient.

§2• Any of these rules might change with or without notice.

§3• Do not overly advertise third-party websites promoting trading, buying, selling and/or betting or otherwise, whether it being in your name, in your profile, in my profile, in a Steam conversation or otherwise. This will result in your removal, and if abused, a block.

§4• Do not maliciously spam on my profile, in a Steam conversation or anywhere else where I can see and find annoyance. This will result in a block.

§5• Do not attempt to scam me. You will fail miserably and will only embarrass yourself. This will result in a block.

§6• Do not send me potentially malicious URL links via Steam conversation or in my profile or in any other relevant place. This will result in your removal.

§7• If you are offline for more than 500 days, you will be removed.

§8• The services I provide and what I'm provided with are entirely in English. As such, you need significant knowledge of the English language (enough to communicate properly). Failure to show the minimum required experience with the English language can lead to your removal. Reason for this rule being to ensure that all of my friends can communicate properly with me. Portuguese-speaking users are exempt from this rule.


§10• Spoofers found in my friend list will be blocked.

§11• If I value our friendship enough and are important to my life, you will be deemed immune to some or all friend list rules.

§12• You may be removed or blocked if you are deem fit for such, regardless of the reason or absence of one, regardless if you are present in my friend list or otherwise.

§13• Failure to comply with rule(s) with blockable offence may result in a block and you being featured in the List of Shame.


§15• My "Send Friend Request" option will always be available to everyone. Abusing this freedom, such as repeatedly sending me requests when I deny each of your requests, will result in a block.

§16• If severe enough, if any of the appointed rules with removable offences are broken, it is possible for you to be blocked instead, regardless if the broken rule(s) state otherwise.

§17• Do not incite me to abuse any of my notable positions; It will not happen. The transgression varies from the incitement and position.

Listing everyone and everything that has fallen to fate's cruel hand and have affected this account or me.


Wolf / Lykaios Anderson † A friend and roleplayer from Aerolite Gaming. May he rest in peace.

My Grandma † 2023-07-07

Kiko the Dog † 2024-12-07


Aerolite Gaming † *The* original BMRP community.

Cortex Community

Crow Network

Apex Roleplay

Impulse Community

Landis Games † 2023-08-02

Incidents Survived
Steam Cache Leak - 2015-12-25
The Glue Library Incident - 2022-06-03

Current Hardware and Specs

Case Lenovo Legion Tower 5 AMD

Monitor AOC 25G3ZM/BK

Keyboard Razer Blackwidow V3

Mouse Razer Basilisk V3

Sound System (Primary) Razer Blackshark V2 X

(Secondary) Logitech LS21

Voice Capture Hardware Trust Mico USB Microphone #20378

Steering and Pedals Logitech G29 Driving Force / Logitech G29 Driving Force Shifter

Operating System Windows 10 Home 64 Bits x64

Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics @ 3.90 GHz

RAM Kingston Fury 16 GB 3200 MHz

Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

Cooling System 3 fans

List of Shame
This is a list of my enemies. They have violated the sanctity of this honourful profile by their actions, or by simply existing.

•76561198156580826 - Violation of §1 and §3.
•76561198009756719 - Violation of §1, §3 and §15.
•76561198335341626 - Violation of §1, §3, §9, §14 and §15.
•76561198279161117 - Exerting §12.
•76561198083903136 - Violation of §5.
•76561198248002628 - Violation of §4.
•76561198068857779 - Exerting §12.
•76561198890898791 - Exerting §12.
Recent Activity
5.1 hrs on record
last played on 23 Mar
3,792 hrs on record
last played on 22 Mar
120 hrs on record
last played on 20 Mar
Baratako 4 Jan, 2022 @ 1:02pm 
Thanks chief <3
Sam0t 31 Dec, 2021 @ 12:23pm 
Signed by Samot :Gasman:
Nice guy and community example ++Rep
Ossàrium 10 Oct, 2021 @ 3:15am 
Sgt. Luis Peimentel, report to the checpoint for immediate questioning regarding the coffe machine"

lukismd 21 Jul, 2021 @ 9:10am 
   :butterfly::butterfly::butterfly:         :butterfly::butterfly::butterfly:
:butterfly::Rainy::Rainy::Rainy::butterfly:   :butterfly::Rainy::Rainy::Rainy::butterfly:

𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓪:butterfly:
firemind0 21 Nov, 2020 @ 12:56pm 
i just wanted your spray and maybe a little help how to spray
lukismd 11 Nov, 2020 @ 1:45pm 

         𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓑𝔂 𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓪
