Birdie   Cookeville, Tennessee, United States
Known as: Babird1, Ammyra, Birdie, Whyis "Nivren" Alwayslost, and Cyrina.

Prefer to be called Nivren.
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451 Hours played
Like magick? This game is for you.
Like conspiracy theories? This game is for you.
Like killing monsters? This game is for you.
Like solving difficult puzzles? This game is for you.
Like customising your character? This game is for you.
Like playing in a MMORPG full of crazy but helpful strangers? This game is for you.
Like not having to pay to win? This game is for you.
Like game devs that actually listen to their player base? This game is for you.

Stop reading and just play this game already!
babird1 15 Apr, 2015 @ 8:03pm 
I have the knack for being run over by my teammates and shot by the enemy even when I'm well hidden. Conclusion: I'm invisible to my friends and visible to my enemies.