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38.3 изиграни часа (32.2 часа по време на рецензията)
it's so good...😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
breathtaking worldbuilding, lovingly crafted setting and characters, and it plays like a choose-your-own-adventure book and a visual novel and dnd all in one, BUT BETTER

the low fantasy was relatable and believable. there is a glossary and a bestiary you can check at any time so even people who haven't touched much fantasy works (ie:me) can go back to reference the different real and fictional animals.

you as a protagonist, are not an overpowered hero during each encounter. you can die quite easily, and it's very refreshing.

the way you're able to shape your own character's development whilst getting different reactions from npcs by picking your own tone during conversation is incredibly unique. it's a welcome game mechanic that i loved a lot.

bgm and visuals only add to the atmosphere. you really need to listen to this music once...

finally..... the ending was not rushed at all!!!! every single thing i have done during my time at the peninsula was properly referenced and the loose ends tied up. the game provided me a very fitting ending for my 40 days of travel. rushed endings are something i have regrettably come to get used to in media, however much polish i notice in the beginning or in the thick of it. i was very satisfied and relieved to know that the devs delivered even by the very end without succumbing to burnout.

definitely THE game of the year for me.... i am surprised i only found out about it from someone gifting it to me... now considering buying it for a friend (`・ω・´)

also eudocia best gril😭😭😭😭😭
Публикувана 16 октомври 2024. Последно редактирана 16 октомври 2024.
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0.7 изиграни часа (0.5 часа по време на рецензията)
extremely based game
cool and retro graphics
the racing is fast paced and fun
the sounds are very silly
hella bangin soundtrack!!!!!!!!

but most importantly........
female charas are hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/10 go buy it immediately
Публикувана 6 октомври 2024.
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1.2 изиграни часа
a game in early access for YEARS. it was actually more fun and less buggy back then in 2017 without the forced story. oh, did i mention it got HELLAWOKE?????? it's an open world survival craft, somehow they still manage to gaslight the white male protagonist, and consequently the player him/herself, into feeling like crap. i just wanna get lost in a blizzard, dude.......

i bought it twice, i refunded it twice. sad how this game ended up.
Публикувана 25 юни 2024.
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0.5 изиграни часа
"winner of over 80 awards"? no wonder the games industry is in such a sorry state
Публикувана 20 септември 2023.
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46.4 изиграни часа (37.0 часа по време на рецензията)
Edit: I was part of the team of beta testers for Trail Out and assisted with localization along with general testing.

Playing this game feels like I just traveled back in time 15 years..... in the best way possible.

Trail Out takes all the best elements of Flatout, such as the destructible tracks, high contact racing, boost meter system, named enemies, banger 2000s rock OST, extreme ragdoll sports, and even hidden cheat codes, combines all that with NFS Most Wanted (2005)'s Blacklist system, complete with unique Boss battles, then wraps everything up in a story with voiced characters and hilarious cutscenes that make it feel like a B movie that doesn't take itself too seriously... Really, the voices are so bad they're amazing. I love it.

There's a ton of content for the 20 bald eagles you're paying with no overpriced 'deluxe edition', and, in 2022, it releases with- would you believe it-, Split Screen Multiplayer!!! And yet, the game also supports Ray Tracing and Nvidia DLSS???? Finally, the developers have promised content updates such as more stunt modes, more cars, a VR mode, and even online multiplayer??

I don't know what you're waiting for... if you've been asking for the next Flatout game, this is it, wacky stunts included. Trail Out's developers obviously love Flatout, and it shows. They took the formula, added their own spin to it, as well as modern features to take advantage of our new hardware... Packed full of content, this game really feels like it was produced with passion by the Good Boys team, just like how games were produced 15 years ago.
Публикувана 7 септември 2022. Последно редактирана 7 септември 2022.
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9.7 изиграни часа (3.9 часа по време на рецензията)
the models are very high quality, the characters look great and seem interesting, the locations have multiple floors and are quite detailed, and it's a believable modern day school setting. oh, and there's top tier seiyuus like nonaka ai, which is pretty crazy considering i got the game for one bald eagle from an official retailer.

i really enjoy the exploration part of the game. it's extremely well polished and feels like persona, which is good. the combat is somewhat jankier and not as good, but i'm not far in yet, so we will see.

story is a little generic, but i'm mostly here for the slice of life stuff, so whatever
Публикувана 12 август 2022.
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9.4 изиграни часа (6.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
you know how when rainbow 6 siege was shown, everyone thought it was incredible? that it was going to be a tactical, immersive anti-terrorist experience?

as a former r6 player who started from y1s4, ive spent over a thousand hours on it.. i played through the good, and the not so good, as the direction of the game switched from 'tactical special operations' to 'hero shooter in spec-ops clothing', all the while ubisoft embraced the politically-correct culture of the western world... its sad to say, but im definitely not proud of having played so many hours of that game.. it's quite humiliating to see it on top of my list of games sorted by playtime

but now we have ready or not, something i have heard of since year 2 of siege.. and now we FINALLY get to experience it.. to a lot of people, this is the tactical shooter they all wished r6 was.. as for me, i feel like this game is a winner..... it clicked within an hour... it's not extremely slow like arma, you dont sit around for half an hour and die to something you never see... and it's not call of duty fast, either.... it's not overly complicated like tarkov is, and you can pretty easily pick it up and play after you've learnt the basics in an hour or two.... in a lot of ways, it compares to insurgency:sandstorm.. great sound design, tactical, yet accessible gameplay, well depicted weapons that feel balanced for each class(feels like you can just pick whichever gun you like the most and you'll do fine)... most importantly, it's fun!! this game(and sandstorm, and even halo infinite) is proof that when a game is fun enough, we can forgive a lack of a progression system, and just enjoy the gameplay....... but then this game is still in EA, there's more to come..... one can only wonder how much further they can push this game, with a proper campaign and progression and qtgril operators that dont look like trucks... yeah, im looking at you, rainbow sh|t seeing the grils frontline references, it's looking like the devs have some taste...... my hopes are sky high now oh boi

i know the early access tag clouds the game in uncertainty, but currently, the game is already so good, the foundations are strong, and its very playable and enjoyable..... i see none of the cringe that's present in ubisoft/ea's military themed games, and a lot of polish and quality...... definitely one of the best purchases i have done.. now give us a long haired japanese operator with sailor suit and pantyhose!!! and then give us a hotpants tomboy tsundere operator with converses and braces!!!! oh and dont forget the lo-.........
Публикувана 7 юли 2022.
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52.3 изиграни часа (18.3 часа по време на рецензията)
best game i played in my entire life

low hours, but i bought it on switch and beat the campaign, bought it on pc for sunbreak

update review later
Публикувана 3 юли 2022.
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55.1 изиграни часа (18.1 часа по време на рецензията)
i used to be on the hate bandwagon for ds games and elden ring, but my friend was enjoying sekiro and MADE me get it.. and i think i now have a different understanding of soulslikes instead of them being "difficult for the sake of difficulty". honestly, it was kinda hard in the beginning but this is what i understood out of the game so far..

-the game forces you to play one way.. there is only one way to play the game, which is Sekiro(the character)'s way, and you gotta BE Sekiro to win fights.
-this means that the game wants you to learn to time blade deflections, poke parrys, sweep jumps... against bosses, you cant mash at all. but why? well, that's because, as i said, the game wants you to BE the protagonist. you're experiencing the first hand character development of Sekiro, through the bosses he has to fight, aka the challenges he has to face, on his journey through Ashina. well maybe sekiro doesnt die as much as we do in the game but you do understand the methodology to fight bosses better with every one you defeat
-and this is the main way that the game conveys lore and plot to you.. through occasional npc conversations, mid-battle dialogue, enemy fighting styles and weapons, and little things you find on the way..
-with all the above considered, it becomes immensely satisfying when you beat a boss, because it really feels like you earned your victory, instead of it being handed over to you on a silver platter... especially given how hard these bosses are, some of which take hours upon hours of practice to beat.
-and thus, this is my excuse for the difficulty of skr... it immerses you into becoming the character of Sekiro, you encompass challenges like he does, and gain the satisfaction and adrenaline fighting and beating a hard boss like few other games.. and before you whine about me being a fromsoft fanboy, this is my first from game, the last kindasoulslike i played was monster hunter rise, where i rolled around constantly with evd extender 3 xD

[other positive points]
-the grapple mechanic, which looks boring and fixed when watching others gameplay, is actually quite fun to use when i was actually in control of sekiro
-katana klang-klang-klang, very satisfying
-deathblows(aka executions) on small npc's also very satisfying
-im a fan of the samurai armor aesthetic, for the small enemies and bosses alike

-graphics are not amazing, textures look kinda blurry on my 1440p 27inch monitor, and colors look washed out....
-the perf is not great either, im streaming to a friend on steam in 1080p and i cant do ultra graphics without getting big stutters.....
-makes me want to take long breaks if i dont manage to defeat a boss after quite a while.. i needed a friend to watch me so i had the motivation xD

..i think that's it for now, i kinda need to head off but ill add whatever i missed later if i think of any
Публикувана 30 май 2022.
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6.1 изиграни часа (0.7 часа по време на рецензията)
THE cyberpunk game we needed but absolutely did not deserve.
Публикувана 19 март 2022.
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