4 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 670.9 hrs on record (73.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Dec, 2021 @ 12:42am

Trying to love this game but ... for now ima thumbs down ... Bring back vanilla characters seeing same characters in the game gives me meehhh .. this is not battlefield .. sure portal was fun but the base game needs a rework i dont like the hero system cause why build a character that a vanilla character can unlock as its recommended gadgets ? like engineer can put a turret while support can put down a shield and recon can do the scanner and do hacks while assault can do grappling and can do wingsuit something like that.. we dont need special characters and on top of that there is no russian feels or american feels when you are fighting in game cause everyone has the same character only the VOICE lines of the character has chaged .

and please for the love of God rework the breakthrough maps objective like Orbital building obj. and the Hourglass Building obj . its not fun to play remove it so that players can literally breakthrough it.

This game needs a re-review so far the content is lacking , Guns are lacking , the assignments and dog tags are missing and so on. BF4 is much more fun than this i do hope you can reclaim your game's glory in this upcoming months / years and so on Good luck .
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