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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
Addons: Game Mechanics
Collection by Arg0n
Mods which will add new game mechanics and features to the game. Features Mechanics: visitors, toilets & co, prison labor, terraforming, psychology Features: water power, more roofs, quarry
Quality of Life Improvements (vanilla friendly)
Collection by Arg0n
Quality of life improvements which will change the game to be more easiely manageable. Changes will mostly reduce the amount of micro managment needed by improving some aspects of the game and giving you tools to do so. Features Improves and adds various U
Quality of life Improvements (vanilla unfriendly)
Collection by Arg0n
Quality of life improvements which will change the game to be more easiely manageble. Changes will effect / unbalance some game mechanics and design choices the developer has made. Features Improved preparation: filter & search maps, reroll maps, edit pawn
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