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Posted: 11 Jun, 2019 @ 1:06pm
Product received for free

I got the game at 100% off, you can tell it was free for a reason.

Incredibly basic and pretty boring, there are 6 stages, to advance to next one you need to survive 30 seconds. Except in last one (more about it later).

Gameplay consists of two arrow keys and 3 buttons. You spin the turret with arrow keys and shoot with specific colour using ZXC. What strikes me is how hard it is to properly aim in this. My friend used controller and it also caused him frustration.

Another thing that struck me is how unfair the game is. Game plays at 16:9 ratio, the kicker is the elements come from all directions at the same time. Sometimes you shoot element at the bottom and another one appears exactly behind you and you don't have enough time to react or even spin fast enough to shoot it. That's what frustrated me the most.
There's also combo apparently where you get it by not missing a shot... But with the innacurate aim all I can do is hold down the correct fire button.

Now, the last level named HELL... To unlock it you need to survive at least 60 seconds on all 5 stages, I did most of them quickly, except 5th cause of reason above. The whole gimmick of it is that you get the actual most brutal epilepsy attack at full screen ever. 60 frames per second. All shapes turn black so there's no need to focus on colours, but it hurts your eyes from staring at the screen for even 10 seconds. I lasted 14 and had to take a break cause it was this bad. Felt like I stared at the sun... Yea, game is kinda "worth" at 100%. But don't bother with last level. It's pretty much the only reason epilepsy warning existed in the first place.
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