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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,133.6 hrs on record (717.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 May, 2016 @ 7:33am

This was my introduction to the elder scrolls games and at first I thought it was great, but i quickly got bored.
That all changed once the creation kit came out.

With over 300 mods (alot of merges, patching, and edits) I've made skyrim the best RPG I've ever played, ever could play.
With hardcore realism, survival, immersive, overhauls, and just plain fun mods - easy to create the game you want.

Base game:
I honestly don't know where to start. This game is amazing.
First impressions upon playing the game; where do I start
Impressions on 'finishing' main story lines; Now, what will I do next.

There are loads of quests, hidden secrets, hidden lore, tones of areas to explore and loot - Then beat the game and start again with a new character.
Although there is a fast travel system in the game; don't use it. It's an RPG - go exploring. Discover the land and her secrets.

With more than 800 hours offsteam and 800 more, this is possibly the game that I've sinked the most time into.
And I still sink time into.

Sure skyrim is really "dummed down" compaired to older TES titles, but then mod it up - there's a mod/overhaul for everything.
Really hard to dislike anything in the game.
Also, avoid Steam workshop - Use nexus mods and stick to the Nexus Mod Manager or LOOT. Save yourself from massive headaches.

And hey - No paid horse armour!
That is all. Crap review over. Talos guide you.
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Mosley was right 9 Jun, 2016 @ 9:10pm 
Cool. Thanks!
Andeee12345 9 Jun, 2016 @ 9:03pm 
Depends on your hardware. Google if you can run skyrim on your GPU
But there are mods that can help. ie; Skyrim Derp graphics
Mosley was right 9 Jun, 2016 @ 8:44pm 
Hey man: can this game run okay on a low end desktop?
Sly-Scale 4 Jun, 2016 @ 8:46pm 
Gotta agree, yeah avoid Steam workshop. It forces mod updates, doesn't cycle + archive hot files, and doesn't resolve mod conflicts like the Nexus Mod Manager will.