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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 47.4 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Apr, 2022 @ 1:14am

Early Access Review
As an early access game, Ready or Not has a lot of potential. 10 hours into the game and i’m only just starting to learn the mechanics of the game. However, this game is one of those types of games that you tend to play once in a while solo, or with friends, so it is unlikely that I will he pushing more hours unless new content and updates drop, so be aware of that before purchasing the game.

Things that Ready or Not could benefit from during its oncoming updates:
- PvP scenarios and modes
- More complex AI/Bots
- Bigger maps and realistic scenarios i.e populate public areas in bomb defuse mode that are not necessary hostages
- NO SKINS! Please I can not state this enough I really hope this won’t be another game with weapon skins and all kind of fruity sh-t going on in there. Swear down mfs starting to make games look like they out of Tron or smt…
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