United States
Vade Retro Me, Satana
WatchmenWakeUpOnYT 26 Aug, 2024 @ 5:21pm 
Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays not commanded anywhere in the Bible. They serve other gods and we're breaking the ten commandments when we celebrate them so we gotta repent. If you read Romans 1:22-27, serving other gods is the reason why we're living in Sodom and Gomorrah right now.

Also check Ezekiel 20:19-21, the Sabbath is Saturday morning to Sunday morning and it's the sign between God and his people, so if you don't have that sign God is gonna pour out his fury upon you in tribulation.

And read Isaiah 66:15-17, people who eat unclean like pork and shellfish are going to be consumed by fire in the tribulation. So repent from eating this stuff.

And the Messiah's name isn't Jesus, it's Yeshua, he comes in the Father's name Yehovah. He warned us about another coming in his own name in John 5:42-43 because you don't have the love of God in you (the ten commandments - 1 John 5:2-3).
WatchmenWakeUpOnYT 31 Jan, 2024 @ 8:49pm 
The wise Jewish people reject your Xmas jesus and satan claus. They learned from ww2 what happens when they learn the ways of the heathen(🎅🎄🎃🐰, breaking sabbath, eating pork)

Buckle up for tribulation you generation of vipers. Who told you that you would escape God’s wrath?

Isaiah 66 God will kill all pork eaters and people not keeping sabbath go into the lake of fire
Toazty 19 Mar, 2018 @ 8:31pm 
The toast with the most :) - SoCloseToToast
yay tweakin 8 Nov, 2017 @ 8:50pm 
use code fili at {LINK REMOVED}
Kev XD 8 Nov, 2017 @ 8:49pm 
this guy legit has a fat ♥♥♥♥
Magister 8 Nov, 2017 @ 2:53pm 
If you are wondering what game is the VACation for, it's for Minecraft. I got caught using Speed Hacks and X-Ray on Steam's server.