Ienrik Hibsen   Christmas Island
Proud Luigi enthusiast
Comment why you're sending me a friend request before doing so or I'll probably just block you, thanks
I wonder what it's like to be good at videogames

Autumn forest aesthetic amirite
Waterfalls too

Celtic Rules :
Do not get on a horse's back near a river, especially if it wants you to do so.
Always close your West-facing windows
Stay away from the ocean if there isn't a river nearby
If a mysterious/unwordly woman offers you an apple, take it and ascend
Stay away from attractive women and men near rivers for the same reason as not getting on a horse's back near them
Don't look at headless things riding around with spine-whips or flaming black coaches leaving fire-trails
Carry gold on you to repel said fire-coaches and headless men

Halt, Hammerzeit!
Hallo Freund!
Haben Sie Zeit sprechen Sie uber Santa?
Behold, the Mantle of Creation
My name is Albino and I'm here to say
I am Karl, King of Spiders.
and I wish I wasn't so trash at Don't Starve
Do not anger the guardian of my memes

Introducing MakeIt, the new channel by Skozero and myself. In MakeIt, we plan to post animations anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes long, in which our ideas and scenarios will be drawn into existence for all to enjoy. Unfortunately, the channel is just an idea at the moment as we'll both likely be busy with post-secondary schooling, but I believe in the potential of this idea. Tallyho!

Never forgetti, 11/29/15. The date of the Big Whoopsie.

I've lost two servers now, and many great people (and some not so great) along with them. Rest in peace Ebeneezer's Allcrit Server, and now, MooN.

Fav Quotes
Gabe: What's the point of astral projecting a spaghetti noodle?
Gabe: It sounds like a dissappointed breeze blowing through a dank cave
Gabe: A little birdie just told me it was five dollars. It is a very tall birdie.
Gabe: Snipers are just really good hide n' seek players.
Gabe: Judge me not by the content of my character, but by the content of my ass.
Gabe: If there's not a chance of death at a funhouse, is it really a funhouse?
Gabe: Before time existed, God put me into your couch.
Gabe: Aristotle's grave becomes a miraca
Gabe: cowboys are great but they don't make great building material
Rebecca: I'd like extra boobs with my Kansas, please
Me: It's 7ft tall, and completey black. Gabe: Like me!
Mutt: Oriental is a ramen flavor, not a race.
Mutt: Colonel, where's the nearest bathroom? I need to let go of a solid snake.
Mutt: Science Weekly: Can amoebas eat their own ass?
Derby: mHHmMhmHHMMMMm (car noises)
Derby: I can't melee, I have no ammo!
Derby: I frame 1 did your mom
Me: I'm going to cut you. Derby: With your stonecutter? I'm not made of stone.
What?: We can't have nice things because my dad doesn't pay child insurance
What?: Faster and faster until the fear of speed overcomes the need of death.
Me: What does Marshtomp evolve into? What: Charmander.
What?: It's all foggy, and full of metaphors.
Aki: When you breathe in then get the cancer
Cyn: Ganon is literally dunking tf outta you like that ♥♥♥♥ is space jam
Dead guy: As you are, so once was I. But as I am, so shall you be.
Shanky_: I hate it when the entire country of Ireland comes charging around the corner.
Black Science Man: People don't think the Universe be like it is, but it do.
Mike Pence: Our country is corn, and corn is our country.
Shanky's mom: You underwear-eating ♥♥♥♥♥!
Buzzfeed: What do I want to kill more, an old lady or an infant?
Solar: Don't come any closer, I'll eat your ass!
Ace: Every gay, every day.
Abathur: Never perfect. Perfection goal that changes. Never stops moving. Can chase, cannot catch.
Some arabic guy on a Youtube stream: I am in Tartus and I am filled with hummus
Bug: How dare you push me in to my own filth?
Seraiah: It's the Cleveland Show of the Gundam Universe
Bug: I'm gunking my pants on god


I jump from game to game tbh, used to have a list here but I dunno anymore lmao. But the more common ones:

Main(s): Sniper, demo, scout, heavy in order. I'm still bad at the game though, don't let my hours fool you.
Good maps: Frantic factory, frostbyte, trade_alley_rc3_xmas, trade_cld9_r4_halloween (trivia room map)
Don't like soldiers. Not that I don't respect those scary 100% airshot soldiers n' all, but the foot destroyer class can be pretty lame.

I am Karl, King of Spiders. Your local tank/melee build, death is cringe. I also really like Calamity. I refuse to do the Angler quests and the few that I have (unfortunately) done were completed by a younger, more naive me.

Garry's Mod
Usually "playing" on "fun" RP servers or playing on private servers with friends. Occasional Zombie Survival

Diablo III/IV
I love all of the classes and honestly have a hard time picking a favorite. Except demon hunter, who I "respect" but "disagree" with entirely. Monk is stronk, Wizard is a close second for me. Crusader and Necromancer are slightly busted but hey, they're a blast. Rip frames tho. Barbarian and WD are still fun but are on the lower echelons for me, except for spider build WD. I am Karl, King of Spiders. We do a little bone-raising in 4, a small amount of shadow damage even.

Heroes of the Storm
Honestly, I play a bit of everyone save a few members of the cast. "Mains" are Ragnaros and Diablo. RIP actual good MOBA :(

Deep Rock Galactic
I always say "morning" instead of "good morning", because if it were a good morning I'd be mining.

Vermintide 2/Darktide
Fire good. Me throw fire. Occasional elf and veteran gameplay, big pews.
Screenshot Showcase
Our hero
1 1
Favorite Game
PogMan 7 May, 2022 @ 8:09pm 
Fortnite battle pass😈 I just ♥♥♥♥ out my ass😩💩 Booted up my PC🤖👨‍💻 Cuz I need need👀 that fortnite battle pass🗣️ I like fortnite🔫 Did I mention fortnite👨‍🦽 It’s night time😴 I mean it’s 5 o-clock that’s basically night time👍⏰ Y’all remember Cartoon Network adventure time🗡️🦮
Albin0 10 Aug, 2021 @ 1:06pm 
The actual second I turn private comments off lmao

No, I'm not selling or trading anything.
Penguini 10 Aug, 2021 @ 11:34am 
Hello, are you interested in selling your Spelled Genuine Conjurer's Cowl
Albin0 28 Dec, 2020 @ 7:49pm 
comedically oversized dose
Circus Mort 28 Dec, 2020 @ 6:54pm 
all of them
Albin0 28 Dec, 2020 @ 12:22pm 
which one