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Análises recentes de brujx verde

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64.6 horas registradas (53.7 horas no momento da análise)
This game registers on so many levels, it's unreal.

I played it originally on PS4 and was glad to discover the PC version had some real nice Valve crossovers, one of which is a massive quality of life improvement!

I'm not saying it's for everyone though, but it has a lot of good messages, one of which is don't get hooked on delivering packages and know when to take a break, another (and my favourite) is that you should allow plenty of time for rest and recovery, specially in hot springs :)

Trigger warnings: relatives dying, lot's to do with death, commerce, logistics, emotions and behaviours.
Publicada em 22 de fevereiro de 2021.
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24.0 horas registradas (7.6 horas no momento da análise)
I've only played for an hour, but I'm hooked already thanks to the entrancing soundtrack, fast paced combat and artistic use of the disply format.

I was torn between this and Transistor, but after seeing the real time combat in the other I'm glad I went for this game.

Now i'm just ready to explore and slash :)
Publicada em 23 de dezembro de 2016.
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28.9 horas registradas (21.4 horas no momento da análise)
I spent a fair few hours playing this, exploring a lot of nooks & crannies, scouring the back story from every possible optional source.
The layering of the story & unfolding at the end just blew my mind even though I'd vaguely guessed at some elements.
Absolutely brillant fun, maybe even worth a replay which is something I do rarely.
Hard mode wasn't that bad actually, but I hear the 1999 mode is intense.
Publicada em 20 de abril de 2014.
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14.5 horas registradas (14.3 horas no momento da análise)
Fast paced & relenetless, this game's chock full of replay value, specially if you're a high score junkie.
The variety of weapons, masks & your approach to gameplay, make this a truly addictive game.
You will die, a lot, this is encouraged :D
Publicada em 25 de dezembro de 2013.
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12.9 horas registradas
I quite enjoyed playing this game, it reminded me very much of SW:Kotor & Fall Out 3/NV.
While not offering as many hours of gameplay, I think this provides more replay value given that finishing the game again isn't a a massive undertaking.
I picked it up on sale a few weeks ago & it was definitelty worth more than what I paid for it.
It's not for everyone, but as an explorer/scavenger, I really enjoyed it.
Publicada em 24 de dezembro de 2013.
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