i stood before my God filthy, and He accepted me, to cleanse me, and heal me,
and help me to change..
therefore it is my heart's desire to serve Him, and do His Will. and so i love you, and will give my life in service, that i might lead anyone of you to my Master, to be saved by Him, the same as me.

with :crown1:His Help, by His Grace,
i will finish my game, & build a companion website for it as well
& they will be excellent :MLG_REKT:
i'll post here when they're up,so you can download the closed beta, and i'll also let you know in the group chat

my game is a f2p tactical turn-based strategy game i'm making with over 140 playable units already & it's still in alpha :evilidk:

we will be able to play :vs: each other soon :coding::Binary_v2:

in the meantime read the bible and pray, get to know your Creator and God, The Lord JESUS :tsc_revolution:

^be extremely careful when using this resource
it is (very) easy to read words out of context, mis-applying them in your mind to the topic you entered
sometimes God very well may use those words out of context to help you
but sometimes also might the devil use them to trick you
..often man will just confuse himself and stumble...

remember to read in context, to clearly understand what is being said

..and understand that these links, these are links in truth to The Word of God..

Jelenleg offline
Truth does not need protection by censorship. Lies and liars do.
it's been my dream to create this game for over 25 years
Kiemelt alkotás-vitrin
i actually started coding it almost 13 years ago, in the fall of 2010
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ jan. 21., 7:47 
i have said this many times and many ways

but that it be exceedingly clear

with no confusion or ambiguation whatsoever

100% of all that you see on every screen is theatre: fiction

it is not real

you see this big parade made pretending that:

trump "takes power" from "biden's administration"

trump is a puppet serving the same masters as biden

as also the "media" (of every sort) portraying it all to you

these are not separate entities, but all do well serve the beast (of revelation 13)

and so i repeat: clearly:

trump is not doing anything, except fulfilling the role he was groomed for
(as his son "baron" is now being groomed for also)

to be an actor on the world stage, and do what satan says,
and call him as "god", and give glory to him

literally, that's it.

that's all of it.

nothing fantastical special or mysterious.

a man doing the bidding of fallen angels who control earth, so sits at the top of the world

ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ jan. 20., 8:46 
here are your poisoned, brainwashed, feeble little minds..

ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ jan. 20., 8:36 
happy, joyous country music playingi

in the fields, bodies burning

as the war machine just keeps right on turning

death and hatred, hatred to mankind

poisoning their brainwashed, feeble little minds

satan and the fallen angels singing about you, their children

and not me

The LORD has cleansed my mind, and it is powerful, and free


whose mind is broken?

or thousands of years old fallen angels masquerading as women

so men will desire to fornicate with them?
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ jan. 19., 12:49 
ofc the checkerboard on her arm probably means she's a plant and scripted too

but none-the-less will influence those who look like her

and in the end there are those genuinely harboring those beliefs
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ jan. 19., 12:45 
almost every "1st lady" in my lifetime has been a man pretending to be a woman

very much including trump's wife

whose theme song (ymca) is about young boys

and his dance is "jerkin 2 dix"'

this is obviously all scripted like the clown makeup he wears (literally)

imitating bad spray tans

people are really comically stupid

that no one sees thru (any) of this

this was in my feed uploaded 7 hours ago

i just watched the first few seconds and she says she doesn't feel safe

ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ jan. 18., 7:14 
in many episodes of dude perfect (linked in the comment directly below)

they joke around about one of the chars on the show "purple hoser" saying his name makes no sense

this thing they sing,

literally at the start of every episode,

their theme song for their show,

random and makes no sense? and they don't know what it means?

tall guy beard twins purple hoser!! dude perfect's on overrrrtime,

you know that song..

tall guy (exciting to gay boy/men)
beard (bearded guy) (exciting to gay boy/men)
twins!! (exciting to gay boy/men)





one of those twins in the episode linked below is sitting under a white neon sign saying "Jesus"

both of those twins you can literally tell are homosexuals, at a glance

this is not hatred

i wish they would repent, i love every single one of them

my brothers

but what they are doing is abomination before Him (JESUS)

and in no way do they know Him