ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 21 Jan @ 7:47am 
i have said this many times and many ways

but that it be exceedingly clear

with no confusion or ambiguation whatsoever

100% of all that you see on every screen is theatre: fiction

it is not real

you see this big parade made pretending that:

trump "takes power" from "biden's administration"

trump is a puppet serving the same masters as biden

as also the "media" (of every sort) portraying it all to you

these are not separate entities, but all do well serve the beast (of revelation 13)

and so i repeat: clearly:

trump is not doing anything, except fulfilling the role he was groomed for
(as his son "baron" is now being groomed for also)

to be an actor on the world stage, and do what satan says,
and call him as "god", and give glory to him

literally, that's it.

that's all of it.

nothing fantastical special or mysterious.

a man doing the bidding of fallen angels who control earth, so sits at the top of the world

ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 20 Jan @ 8:46am 
here are your poisoned, brainwashed, feeble little minds..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 20 Jan @ 8:36am 
happy, joyous country music playingi

in the fields, bodies burning

as the war machine just keeps right on turning

death and hatred, hatred to mankind

poisoning their brainwashed, feeble little minds

satan and the fallen angels singing about you, their children

and not me

The LORD has cleansed my mind, and it is powerful, and free

whose mind is broken?

or thousands of years old fallen angels masquerading as women

so men will desire to fornicate with them?
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 19 Jan @ 12:49pm 
ofc the checkerboard on her arm probably means she's a plant and scripted too

but none-the-less will influence those who look like her

and in the end there are those genuinely harboring those beliefs
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 19 Jan @ 12:45pm 
almost every "1st lady" in my lifetime has been a man pretending to be a woman

very much including trump's wife

whose theme song (ymca) is about young boys

and his dance is "jerkin 2 dix"'

this is obviously all scripted like the clown makeup he wears (literally)

imitating bad spray tans

people are really comically stupid

that no one sees thru (any) of this

this was in my feed uploaded 7 hours ago

i just watched the first few seconds and she says she doesn't feel safe
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 18 Jan @ 7:14am 
in many episodes of dude perfect (linked in the comment directly below)

they joke around about one of the chars on the show "purple hoser" saying his name makes no sense

this thing they sing,

literally at the start of every episode,

their theme song for their show,

random and makes no sense? and they don't know what it means?

tall guy beard twins purple hoser!! dude perfect's on overrrrtime,

you know that song..

tall guy (exciting to gay boy/men)
beard (bearded guy) (exciting to gay boy/men)
twins!! (exciting to gay boy/men)





one of those twins in the episode linked below is sitting under a white neon sign saying "Jesus"

both of those twins you can literally tell are homosexuals, at a glance

this is not hatred

i wish they would repent, i love every single one of them

my brothers

but what they are doing is abomination before Him (JESUS)

and in no way do they know Him
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 17 Jan @ 11:40am 
when i was little, growing up,

the devil taught us to "head bang"

this is supposed to be a cool thing

what it is for is anything the devil can do to harm you

he would have your brain rattle against the inside of your skull

again, anything the devil can do to get you to harm yourself

that is what the devil will do

so now he tells kids "pound it, noggin"

it's written on the wall of their new hq

over 5m views uploaded 6 days ago
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 8 Jan @ 10:37am 
so concerning what i said immediately below

there actually is delta 9 THC present in trace amounts

so the average farmer could potentially go to jail,

thus making it un-safe to grow / process / sell for everyone except large licensed operations

for who else can afford to test to be sure it wasn't 0.31% instead of 0.29% Δ9-THC

and there it is, as "they" (the synagogue of satan, as told in every bible on earth, in revelation, ch.2) have been doing

as they have been doing since the beginning, over and over, taking from out of the hands of everyone else

and putting into their own hands

who are they?

they are those who have enslaved the rest of the world thru their worship of fallen angels
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 5 Dec, 2024 @ 1:35pm 
as always happens in this world, those in control (thru their worship of fallen angels)

repeatedly take business out of the hands of all others

that they control it all

so in 2018 trump actually federally legalized weed

because ALL weed has less than .03% Δ9-THC,

it is THCa on the plant, until you burn it,

which decarboxylates the THCa producing the psychoactive delta 9 THC

what i am saying is weed has been federally legal for awhile now, but this is how it was changed into the hands of the beast selling it to you, as opposed to all those selling it before

but Paul writes about this in the new testament at length and by Grace of our LORD JESUS Christ it is still clean to us now to use this method to acquire it,

this helpful medicine for so many of us
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 5 Dec, 2024 @ 1:35pm 
so even if it is now sold by devil worshipers, the plant is still clean (if it is clean to you..)

and a gift from God (if it is so to you!)

and so i give you this,

legal cannabis

i suggest the kief, $500 a pound,

but i am smoking on the lb of trim for $125 right now and tbh

i have heaping bowl after bowl of keef even from just this

next month i'm buying the kief and pressing it into rosin ^@^

ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 2 Nov, 2024 @ 2:45pm 
so below i pointed out the exact moment they put in fake chandler

here is the real chandler back in a video for the first time since then

(@ 1:12 if the time-stamp doesn't work)

looking closely i'm not actually sure it's the original

or just a third guy, but it's DEFINITELY NOT the second guy

the point is proven, well proven beyond shadow of doubt for anyone actually searching

they can put 100 new chandlers i won't post about it again

i don't intend to post here anymore at all actually, we will see if i'm able to refrain

i prefer to put all future sayings into the "wise man" npc i will implement in my game
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 14 Aug, 2024 @ 8:54am 
it is The Cross, but when Solomon spoke of it,
he referred to Noah's Ark..

GOD does this many times thru the bible: you must read, or you are going to die

"man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God"

you are literally starving to death, on your feet, awake, but asleep...
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 14 Aug, 2024 @ 8:51am

i've long since (clearly, brilliantly, obviously) recognized The Truth of this man's words

how that they are like unto my own

spoken by that man's soul

but bolstered by The Spirit of God

given wisdom and understanding by Him

now then when i read this i began crying

and biting on my hand

holding onto my hand with my teeth

7 For blessed is the wood whereby righteousness cometh.

this is the cross (obviously when Solomon spoke it, he did not know)

man did not know of The Cross, it had yet to be given

ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug, 2024 @ 7:16pm

this link has 11 books hidden from the world at large

read the bible (all of it)
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug, 2024 @ 3:11pm 
video of a man driving around on mars!!

it's not?

it isn't?

this isn't exactly what NASA has shown you pictures of, claiming it to be mars?????

..this is indeed a man driving around "mars"

and eventually the entire world will look this way,

after which

"the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up"
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug, 2024 @ 6:02am 
ofc and obviously there are many evils i did not commit

and yet, if i judge any man, of anything, i am a hypocrit

i realize this plainly and in truth,

for in varying degrees and with a different flavor,

the way for instance all cannabis is cannabis but the variation of it across the world is extreme,

of any sin you want to discuss, in some form or manner, i am guilty

i love my brothers, and want to help them to change

they are just like me and i am just like them: we are the same

all guilty before God

and needing The LORD's forgiveness to be saved

i prayed for Him to wash me from the tip of my hair on my head to the soles of my feet

but in tears pleaded further for Him to wash my feet
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug, 2024 @ 6:01am 
this is the animosity, the hatred, the hypocrisy and insanity that accumulates in our mind and heart and soul as we walk thru this life,

and none can avoid it: it is the filth upon our feet:

and only The Power & Grace of The LORD JESUS Christ can make us clean i begged my Master, God Almighty, to stoop low once again to wash my feet:

because without Him doing so, i have no place with Him, my LORD,

in The Kingdom of Heaven

so then, if i have asked GOD ALMIGHTY that He should stoop low to wash the dirt off of my feet

what evil can i accuse my brother of? or what think can i demand of a man, in recompense for having mistreated me?

no i am guilty, of terrible, wretched sin

and even at almost 42 years old i mis-judge my brothers and give place to wickedness in my irrational thoughts

now then if me whose mind is so secure and made clean by The LORD can still be blinded by my own arrogance,

me who is meek and humble beyond men in this world, and without guile,
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 10 Aug, 2024 @ 6:00am 
can forget to love, and judge incorrectly, and forget to forgive, and forget to remember (my own sin), and forget to remember what it is, and how it is,

if i can become arrogant and corrupt and filthy so easily

can not also you?

now The LORD corrects me ever so quickly always

and i am given to see clearly, The Truth, as i plead before Him always for His Help

..and therefore He is always helping me..

by His Grace i see

i will not so easily or quickly give place to evil thoughts in my mind in the future

and i will be given a robe to cover my iniquities of the past

but know this clearly, as a man who does indeed stand above most men on earth already

i am a wretch, and needing The MASTER and LORD OF GLORY to stoop low to wash my filthy feet

He does this, how then can i judge anyone, in anything?

if a man is repentant, The LORD will cleanse him, and then he can enter into

The Kingdom of Heaven

but otherwise there is no way for a man to enter in
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 8 Aug, 2024 @ 6:36am 
are you always looking at others, to uncover their faults, and accuse them?

then you are your father the devil's child, and you behave exactly like him

or are you always looking at yourself, to uncover your own faults, and remove them?

then you are your father The LORD's child, and it is Him helping you to see:

what is this lie you were taught, about a "conscious" in you, telling you what is right?

there are not 2 yous, nor is there a magical man named "conscious"

There is however a GOD named JESUS, who is The Son of God, Creator Of All Which Exists, Our Father, who is always helping us, teaching us, correcting us, by Power of His Spirit
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 5 Aug, 2024 @ 5:15pm

@ 17:06 if the time-stamp doesn't work

this video has shown several satanic churches full of satanic imagery already,

which the clown world calls "christian",

but here is a statue of an angel, @ 17:06

now, as a man of God, i ask you, man or woman of God,

would you (ever, under ANY circumstance, no matter what, EVER) permit another to create a STATUE of you?

would you pose for them so they can chisel your likeness into stone, man or woman of God?


and would any angel?

then, obviously, this is not a statue of an angel of God,

but a fallen angel, a demon.

and although it's certainly not his actual form from God,

it depicts lucifer, the tr/\nny angel, the fallen cherubim,

who is sometimes depicted as a goat-man angel with women's breasts and a hard penis,

here as a winged angel "man" with breasts

yes, that's also the statue of liberty

& the colossus..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 31 Jul, 2024 @ 5:57am 
i was sick 4 years since c0v!d, head on fire, fatigued,

i thought it might never end until i died

i prayed that the fever might break and begin to leave me

like in the bible how they asked JESUS and were healed from that hour

from that hour the sick began to get better

so it was with me, i prayed to Him and have been healed

not just of this, but also other things, i have been experiencing a rain of miracles

constantly so much that i don't know another way to describe it

besides to say, miracle rain

but hear clearly this miracle done for me

in despair and pain and misery i prayed to The LORD i might be healed

as He healed those in the bible 2000 years ago

and indeed I was..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 31 Jul, 2024 @ 5:41am 
the bible tells you in the beginning, the earliest of sins of the Jewish people was to worship cows

i have told you, "shiva" is lucifer, the devil, as is "buddha", and the "allah" in the koran,
and the "jesus" in churches with steeples on top,
and the clown next door to me's heart
the one saying he is "christian", but loathing me
therefore loathing Him who sent me..

now, PLEASE, just open your eyes, and see

this cow at the entrance, how they worship them

the QUEER positions of the men and demons portrayed on the temple:

look how they are standing!
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 31 Jul, 2024 @ 5:41am 
always like this:

it is easy to recognize worship of The LORD vs demon worship

..all you see now on earth are temples to demons, and demon worship,

the church as it's becoming and will be is the second beast of revelation 13

there are literally mason signs and symbols in everything you see on every screen
all of it being a part of the first beast..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 22 Jun, 2024 @ 5:02pm 
do you believe them,

or can you see

and this is just their "story" their "explanation" for "why now"

as they roll out this (now, to them, ancient) technology
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 14 Jun, 2024 @ 12:39am 
can you imagine what it is like

knowing that you will go to heaven (KNOWING.)

and knowing that almost everyone (or everyone) you encounter is going to hell (KNOWING.)

knowing that as much as they insist, they are Christian,

as the evidence is written all over them and their words and actions,

they do not belong to Him,

these are the worst of men,

everyone is convinced they are "Good"

and no one is..

can you imagine what it's like,

KNOWING you will go to heaven,

but relatively speaking, almost no one else is?

there are countless multitudes there,

but here on earth all i see are the walking dead..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 14 Jun, 2024 @ 12:04am 
men of God have always been ratio'd on earth

almost everyone saying "i am Christian" is not Christian

most people do not say "i am Christian" except in the areas where it is the dominant religion

in these areas people say it and will become offended if you question them

they will not allow you to question their faith

they will claim they believe in JESUS because the culture around them says to
just like if you are born in China you are likely to be Buddhist
and in Saudi Arabia you are going to be Muslim
and in India you're going to be Hindu
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 14 Jun, 2024 @ 12:04am 
..i do not call JESUS as Lord and Master because some man told me to...

and i live in that culture where many pretend to worship my LORD

..and are unaware of their own pretense, to varying degrees,

there is no "Christian" nation

even in Solomon's Israel he said 1 in 1000 men sought God in truth,
and in 1000 women he found not 1

men of God are exceedingly rare, and no one listens to us and says

"ok you're right, we see clearly, we repent"

you all just eventually get angry at us, and close your ears

"O LORD, who has believed our report?"
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 11 Jun, 2024 @ 3:07pm 
how can you want to be God, but you need God to teach you how?

what foolishness is this?

if you can be God, you should indeed be God, so be God then:

go ahead,

be God.


you still need God to teach you how?

then what foolishness is this? want to be God, but you need God to teach you how...?
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 5 Jun, 2024 @ 1:13pm 
my mother has to endure 5 children being sent to hell
(to bring just me thru alive..)

her mother (literally) gave 20 still born to bring 5 alive (rh factor..)

The LORD has lost countless children, thru this endeavor, to bring you and me thru alive,

pls appreciate His Pain

you cannot know This Pain

the pain of His

The Pain of The Father for all His children..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 5 Jun, 2024 @ 1:10pm 
from me your brother, i remind you we are all one flesh
mourn then the fallen, and never celebrate over them: only rejoice @ the cessation of iniquity, but lament the deaths of the unrighteous
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 5 Jun, 2024 @ 1:06pm 
The LORD will teach you how to love.

The LORD will teach you not to judge..

Judge correctly! not according to appearances!

there is no contradiction with Him, or His servants..

so hear clearly then, what is being said:

if you are unsure if you're standing in judgement of your brother,

love him

then you will have judged correctly, and avoided judgement

"Judge not, lest thou be judged."

--The Judge
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 5 Jun, 2024 @ 7:30am 
there are not 2 wills between The Father, and The Son

but One

how then are we to become 1 with God?

i think you understand..

but in these times of confusion i will state it clearly, to combat the devices of satan

your will must become the same as God's Will

pray always, for His Will to be done

and The Third One,

Who Is Also First,

The Spirit of God

will dwell with you, even within you,

and teach you all things,

even as you see Him doing for me

always correcting me, teaching me, to make me more presentable before Them

The Father, The Son,

this is The Spirit of God,

my Master & Ever Present Help & Best Friend

The Light In My Soul

..anything Good you see in me, it is just Him (JESUS)
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 4 Jun, 2024 @ 9:36am 
i have told you The Father is The Son

because The Son told us He Is The Father

now, hear The Father tell you that He is The Son

read, and comprehend:

26 The same is he whom God the Highest hath kept a great season, which by his own self shall deliver his creature: and he shall order them that are left behind.
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 3 Jun, 2024 @ 8:12pm
[Last Week Tonight - s11e12]

(as always close all pop-ups, download nothing, just click play)

@ 03:30 hear John Oliver "jokingly" tell you robots will hunt humans down during humanity's final hours

mr. beast "jokes" about this as well (read enough below in the comments & you'll find it)
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 3 Jun, 2024 @ 6:32am 
the LORD gave good advice to the wicked pharisees and scribes,

as He knew they would lose their power in earth at that time,

so He told them use the money they gathered thru evil

(the mammon of unrighteousness)

to do good to others now! so they would be well received of them

when they were cast out of their positions of power

(for JESUS had usurped their false rule: their false positions before God)

so i leave this as a practical advice also for you, my friends,

even all who might read this,

plant food now! learn to grow it! fruit trees, potatoes, corn, whatever grows in your area, and is available to you!

22 For many of them that dwell upon earth shall perish of famine; and the other, that escape the hunger, shall the sword destroy. escape the sword?

10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

do not kill with the sword..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 3 Jun, 2024 @ 6:22am 
as i have expounded at length how God Himself will kill most humans again

(yes lucifer may well be the flaming whip in His Hand he uses to do it: we don't know..)


just like in the days of the flood, but this time there will be more than 8 left

but women will cry for lack of a man

and one man will yearn for the voice of another

and in the link below, as also in the common 66 books of the bible,

this truth is told
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 3 Jun, 2024 @ 6:19am

21 Behold, victuals shall be so good cheap upon earth, that they shall think themselves to be in good case, and even then shall evils grow upon earth, sword, famine, and great confusion.

pls read closely:

FOOD is so cheap on earth people think everything is good: OTHER PLACES THEY ARE STARVING< MORE AND MORE

(this is the real world you are entering into, now, wherein the beast of revelation is making war against and overcoming the saints of God)

in-so-far as "great confusion"

look what the devil has changed the meaning of the word "woke" to

since us who are actually awake from his satanic nightmare had begun to use that term

in sharing these truths

so like all things, he poisoned that word also

so you who thinks you are "woke" according to the world,

the bible then spoke of you, thousands of years ago,

calling you "greatly confused"
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 3 Jun, 2024 @ 6:12am

21 Behold, victuals shall be so good cheap upon earth, that they shall think themselves to be in good case, and even then shall evils grow upon earth, sword, famine, and great confusion.
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 2 Jun, 2024 @ 9:12am 
and just so we are clear, it won't just be in those cities were you can only buy or sell with 666

but anywhere

therefore God's people will be in the wildernesses, the woods, the caves, as before..

living directly off the land, from Him, as before..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 2 Jun, 2024 @ 9:11am 
with the volume down i just cliked a new eminem video "houdini" or something

its got a "aged" original slim shady dancing singing alongside eminem 3

(read below..)

and so i will say to you all the evidences and such put forth below were during the time before "ai" (which does not exist: replace the word "ai" in your mind with "fancy program")

but now, you can reproduce just anything on the screen, so can trust nothing you see

read the bible, contrast that with all else,

it's the only truth left in this poisoned world
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 1 Jun, 2024 @ 3:38pm

70 For there shall be in every place, and in the next cities, a great insurrection upon those that fear the Lord.

"next cities"

those future cities where everything is digital, and you cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast, or the number of it's name (666) on your forehead or right hand..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 1 Jun, 2024 @ 8:13am


B E L I E V E - - - W H A T - - - Y O U R - - - E Y E S - - - S E E
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 1 Jun, 2024 @ 7:40am 
as the ray of light, and glimmer of hope Job gave,
from within his torments,
saying "i know my Redeemer will stand upon the earth. even after i've died i know in my flesh i will see God."

see here a glimmer of hope i have prayed for, from God,

does He not say here that the wicked will know repentance, AFTER DEATH, THRU PAIN?

11 And they that have loathed my law, while they had yet liberty, and, when as yet place of repentance was open unto them, understood not, but despised it;
12 The same must know it after death by pain.
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 1 Jun, 2024 @ 6:59am

3 There be many created, but few shall be saved.
45 Be not wroth with us but spare thy people, and have mercy upon thine own inheritance: for thou art merciful unto thy creature.
46 Then answered he me, and said, Things present are for the present, and things to cometh for such as be to come.
47 For thou comest far short that thou shouldest be able to love my creature more than I: but I have ofttimes drawn nigh unto thee, and unto it, but never to the unrighteous.

The LORD once said to the (false) Jews, who were denying Him, "search the scriptures, for in them you think to have eternal life: they are them which testify of Me."
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 1 Jun, 2024 @ 6:59am 
in the link below The Father speaks of The Son

28 For my son Jesus shall be revealed with those that be with him, and they that remain shall rejoice within four hundred years.
29 After these years shall my son Christ die, and all men that have life.

how do all men die which have life?

i am dead to this world, and living in spirit, by His Grace towards me

these scriptures are real and true and from God:

pray Him to open your eyes, that you become able to see..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 25 May, 2024 @ 1:18pm

the comments at the bottom of ^ this ^ profile are the next linear comment in line from this place

you will see how that God answered to what i said in the comment, directly below, about

"so long as they continue in their iniquities, they remain under the curse"
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 24 Apr, 2024 @ 10:15am 
if they do burn forever, i firmly believe there is 1 reason why

as it is written

"so long as they continue in their iniquity they are under the curse"

if their irrational, wicked, pathetic, evil hatred of God doesn't cease, then neither will their suffering..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 23 Apr, 2024 @ 8:51am 
i have prayed to God before, and did just pray to Him again now

as He is The Savior

and far bigger than forever: if i compare forever with Him, it is finite, and small

"Forever" cannot be compared to Him who created it: He is Forever.

and i believe my God will accomplish all He intends to

and He is overwhelmingly Good.

far more than any man can imagine.

and i believe He will indeed accomplish His Purpose,

our Savior.

and so i did pray to Him (again,) that those unable to be saved from the lake, be saved by the lake, even all of them, after "Forever" ends, and i was reminded (again)

it does not say their torment is forever without end:

but that it extends into "the eons of the eons"
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 23 Apr, 2024 @ 8:51am 
and before that in The Scripture it is written:

"so long as they continue in their iniquity they are under the curse"

i believe eventually, 100% of all that which was created will exist forever in paradise

emerged triumphantly,

by The Power of The Cross,

saved by The Grace of my God not spend eons of eons in torment, without rest,

the type of which if you underwent 30 seconds you would shudder in abject horror,

and repent, and beg forgiveness,

well repent then, and beg forgiveness

eons of eons are much longer than 30 seconds..
ªНаÞруЅђèéÞ 11 Mar, 2024 @ 7:24pm 
i'm watching episode 3 of the walking dead now, "the ones who live",

and i want to remind you rick is doing a voice; that woman assuredly is too

meaning it's not their natural speaking voices, the rick grimes guy is actually british..

why does the devil do this?

as the comment 3 comments below also details,

about the man pretending to be a woman in episode 2,

it is done so that you will be unable to discern what is real

but that saying of old "real recognizes real" is true

and it is also true The Truth is self-evident are lies, being self-contradictory,

but the blind cannot see anything

this is why it is written of those who deny The LORD how that they are blind,

and unless The LORD removes their blindness, indeed they will be unable to see