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1.3 hrs last two weeks / 174.0 hrs on record (147.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Aug, 2018 @ 11:52am
Updated: 27 Nov, 2024 @ 7:55pm

  • It's a WW2 horde shooter, not a stealth heist game like Payday. It's apples & oranges.
  • For <=$5 it can be a fun guns blazing romp.
The Good
  • The gunplay is fun, and enemies gib when hit hard enough. Spicy!
  • The game doesn't shy away from visually showing That Specific Symbol the WW2 Germans used. It feels visually more authentic to the time & location.
  • The cutscenes of Hitler losing his ♥♥♥♥ can be pretty funny.
  • Supports the BLT mod framework, and mod support allows you to tweak many things in the game you might not like.
  • Weapon upgrades are tied to just playing the game (get headshots, get hipfire kills, pick up ammo, etc.) instead of extremely asinine achievements like in Payday 2 (no requirement to kill three people with one headshot for a sniper scope here)
  • The game's modifier cards can be traded to your friends via Steam trading, if you so choose to do so.
  • The four class' Warcry abilities provide good variation to the group synergy effect. Being able to alter the effects of the warcry is also nice.
The Bad
  • In-game loose loot (dog tags, random gold bar-loot) is almost impossible to see in the (mostly nighttime) maps.
  • Many missions have time variations for day & night, while some are always at night. The mission list doesn't tell you which or give you a way to plan for it.
  • When entering the mission lobby, your weapons will often reset to the default loadout. The only way to fix this is the leave the lobby entirely, and renter the game lobby.
  • Not being able to check your challenge status for weapon upgrades in-game is somewhat of an annoyance when you think you were done, but you actually needed <5 more kills or something similar.
  • The character outfits look universally terrible.
The Ugly
  • Online & offline mode do not share progression. It's such an odd thing to split them into two gamemodes, but locking out your progress entirely is just artificial gameplay time inflation.
  • Almost non-existent playerbase. Have to bring your own friends along, most likely. It has bots, but they're not able to do much besides revive you & provide fire support.
  • THE AI NEVER SHUTS UP. They repeat the same lines over and over and over at least 5 or so times in the span of a few minutes. It's incredibly tiring.
  • The voice acting is genuinely terrible. It's not the worst I've ever heard, but it's pretty awful.
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