Chris   United States
Good morning! It's a wonderful <insert day> morning. Weather outside looks okay, doesn't look that good but hey at least we're here. Probably late, but hey if you expect me to be on time then you'd be disappointed every day. So do me a favor and expect me to be late!
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:Geralt: Alias: Crimroxs, Suraf
:Toxic_Geralt: Gender: Male
:Eredin: Hobbies: Gaming, website design and software development
:evelyn2077: I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

10.18.2020 :nekoheart:

➤⠀D A R K N E S S⠀C A L L E D . . .
But I was on the phone, so I missed him. I tried to *69-Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled "Pick up the phone, Darkness!," but he ignored me.

➤⠀F A V O U R I T E⠀G A M E S
> World of Warcraft (Horde: Alexstrasza, Alliance: Stormrage)
> Warcraft III
> The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
> Cyberpunk 2077
> Command & Conquer franchise (generally) but Red Alert 2 is my overall go-to
> StarCraft II
> MiSide

I'd likely play any kind of RTS game; just hit me up. It is my favourite genre overall.

Really looking forward to the following titles:
> Dead Static Drive
> Earthbreakers
> Tempest Rising
> ZeroSpace
> Fresh Women Season 2 (nsfw)

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Bias review, but only because it is my favorite game from the Command & Conquer franchise.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is one of the classics in the real-time strategy genre. A gem that continues to resonate with players, evoking both nostalgia and timeless enjoyment. Here I am, 2024 replaying the campaign once again and getting my friends (for the first time) to try it out and even they've said that it is great. Let’s delve into why it stands out as an exemplary RTS game:

Engaging Storyline and Setting
Red Alert 2 takes place in an alternate-history scenario where the Soviets attempt to conquer North America. The campaigns are engaging and fun. There is something about defeating the final missions in both campaigns on brutal difficulty that just feels amazing.

Tanya is a great character. IMO the best version of this character compared to Red Alert 1 and Red Alert 3.

Faction Variety
Players can choose to play as either the Allies or the Soviets. Yuri's Revenge adds an additional, unique faction. Each faction has its own unique units, structures, and playstyle, providing diverse gameplay experiences.

Polished Mechanics
The game retains the conventional mechanics established by the Command & Conquer series. Units are responsive, and the controls are intuitive, allowing for smooth gameplay.

Strategic Depth
Base-building, resource management, and unit production are essential aspects of what makes a great traditional RTS game. Red Alert 2 is a gold standard on this and I personally think other RTS games should follow. Don't be a C&C4.

Multiplayer and Community
Red Alert 2 offers both single-player campaigns and multiplayer modes. The community has done an amazing job on keeping this game alive (and by extension, the other C&C games as well). CnCNet is a great multiplayer platform just for Red Alert 2. Keeps the game alive and thriving.

Don't get me started on the mods. If you haven't even tried Mental Omega, go try it out now. You will not be disappointed.

In summary, Red Alert 2 combines tried-and-true mechanics, making it an excellent sequel in the Red Alert universe, and an outstanding game as part of the franchise and the RTS genre. While it may not be a modern military RTS, its enduring appeal and impact on the genre makes it a worthy example to follow.

A Message to EA
The game is in high need of a remaster. Modern tech to bring the game to modern systems instead of going through community fixes just to get the game to play at higher resolutions. Remastering Red Alert 2 along with its game engine cousin, Tiberian Sun, would be solid choices while we wait for a more mainline game. The community is alive and well and the numbers on Steam alone is a solid example. And those numbers is only Steam alone, doesn't count your own platform and those who don't use platforms (e.g. CDs).
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