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Thoughts (Book)
The Current State of the World

Following the pathway we find ourselves walking on. You come across many weary souls, they are like damsels in distress not quite quenched by their own minds. Looming around their daily lives, not unlike a zombie. Meaning has become, but a memory of the past to these people. They only find time to continue along the never ending hamster wheel of their addictions to various comforts. This endless crusade of wanting more, and more, leaving no room to stop, and smell the roses.

The world has sold its heart, and soul for a circus, and theater. The absence of our instinctual urge to be surviving in nature has brought us to this point. The enforcement, and powers at be maintain the systems that force you into labor, and actively persecute people for having living in accordance with our own nature, and nature itself, and can no longer be overlooked. It's full heartedly apparent as it is in your face at all times. The homeless are a very good example of this. Men who live in the woods for many years only to be found, and brought out of the woods, and charged with trespassing also are another great example.

This is the reason people's minds are so ill, and sick are because of society's expectations of individuals, and their own subconscious reluctance, and disdain to continue on. Society's expectations poison the mind from a young age. Responsibility tends more often than not to be a trap of the darkest parts of ourselves. To never be able to overcome the comfort responsibility creates when successfully upholding them.

My greatest sympathy lies with those who tend to want escape, and so they turn to something else for comfort, and thus become an addict of that comfort. Escapism has this underlying feeling of wanting to avoid these responsibilities society's systems impose on us. It's the desire to break free from our mortal coils because of our desire to be free human beings. We have become slaves with invisible chains.

There's many conspiracies out there pointing the finger at some sort of shadow government, or elite family controlling the strings, and one might tend to believe them. Although I do not think these systems are manufactured to that degree. These systems naturally grow when collective desires for ease of life outweighs the collective desire to have a free life. It's within this desire for ease, and comfort that we as society create the systems that far exceed the words "overly complicated". Our lives are filled with distractions with imaginary values. Nothing in our society seems concrete, or having a solid foundation of worth. Meanwhile we subconsciously suffer greatly because of these over complications, and meaningless imaginary values.

Following desires only leads us to wanting more, and creating more suffering in our quest to achieve said desires by walking the path of an overcomplicated life we become fearful of leaving from. Insecurity led by our own sense of self worth causes this motivation to overachieve, and "succeed" in life. This is why many tend to start working out after a breakup, or create large companies because of another's success, or potential success. They wish to find some sort of end point where they become as happy as others. In reality the people that led them to be envious of, are just as unhappy as they are.

This is a major problem in today's society. We tend to let ourselves repress these emotions for years at a time, and the dam gets jammed. We become the monsters we fear, and we do not see that we slowly become them over time. It has extremely large scale consequences when we let the darkest parts of ourselves go unseen. One person's words, and actions can ripple across the whole of society. Do not underestimate the power of the psychological impact you have on others. It can become a chain of events rippling for many years across many people.

This is why it is so important we live honest lives. We must have the compassion to be as honest as possible to ourselves, and others for humanity's sake. The future depends on this. However morals aside, we must at the very least be true to ourselves. Pay attention to the world around you. Stop flying through life like there's something more to gain, because all you really have is this present moment.

The past no longer exists, the future has yet to exist, and the present is the only thing that truly exists. This way of life you may come across true happiness, weightlessness, and you may learn to distance yourself from the events happening to you, because you know deep down everything will be ok in the end.

Sometimes we can tend to have secret motivations to help people. We end up caring too much about what others think when doing this, and the intentions of our actions can tend to be misconstrued. This is why it's best to try to keep our best intentions to ourselves, and let others who we wish to help, help themselves. This is where wisdom originates from. From paying attention to our own minds as we go about our daily lives, and overcome obstacles in our way. So we can learn from experience, and learn from our mistakes, and errors.

The Human Condition

Although this thought of ourselves as something, or other is misguided. We have been conditioned by our language to accumulate adjectives, and descriptions of ourselves. However there is a disconnect between the world we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch, and the linguistic architecture we put attop this world that has no need for words to be put atop of, however tempting it may be to do this it causes many illusions, and delusions. Too many to count.

To become pure of heart, and pure of mind is to empty all of what you are, and what you have, and will become. To do this takes courage. It takes vulnerability, and bravery. A great analogy of this would be "Throw your sacred objects from your journey into the ocean, throw your sword into the lava, and lay your weary head down to rest dear soldier. Your fight left wounds to heal, but you are alive. You have fought well, but your crusade is over. No need to keep fighting the current of the river. Always feel at home here on mother earth, and you are going to be just fine.".

When you get to the point where you may cry tears of all your pain, all your loss, all your regrets, you will be empty. You can finally let it all go, and finally cry tears of joy. Intense emotion comes for us all at some point, and it's better not to repress it, but to feel it to its end. It can be extremely exhausting to empty ourselves, and sometimes we don't feel safe enough around others to feel our emotions, but it is extremely important we do for ourselves, and others.

Many people do not take the time to reflect on themselves, and consequently find themselves not able to understand others. In order to understand others, you must first understand yourself. This means seeing the dark, and the light; the yin, and the yang without this you will be lost. Without understanding both, you will never understand one, or the other. This is called duality, and nearly everything has a polarity. Understanding the dualistic nature of ourselves, others, and the world around you, you may start to transcend the illusions of it, and be as you are. It can sometimes be very hard to look in the mirror, and see darkness, but it is extremely important to face these things. In Jungian psychology this is called "shadow work".

The shadow is a part of yourself that is all the things that you fear to become, repress, and avoid becoming. These things tend to be hidden, and usually are the things you choose to never attempt to identify with, and sometimes can become insecurities. Confronting it head on, and facing it is the only way to truly change yourself as an individual. It can be terrifying to think you are capable of the worst, or capable of evil things, but leaving those parts of yourself unseen can have dire con
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bighardthrobbeengcox 10. Dez. 2023 um 21:23 
its been a while
Sam 30. Dez. 2020 um 19:15 
miss this guy
shmershmer 21. Dez. 2019 um 16:49 
person below is agent of order and peace. trust him or you will be susceptible to gayness and tyhere is no turning back
cozzell 21. Dez. 2019 um 16:46 
do not trust this man, he supports the LGBTQ+ community.
shmershmer 23. Juli 2019 um 12:19 
my body got all shakey when i saw ur profile
SNThanks! 8. Juni 2019 um 22:33 