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Nedávné recenze uživatele Voidic_Fang

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3,170.8 hodin celkem (558.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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You will mostly meet sweaty people with no life and you'll never stop hearing about e-dating breakup drama, tits, and how horny they are. You can't play in popular lobbies without you and your friends seeing ♥♥♥♥, balls, exposed ass, etc... You will hear slurping noises and moaning with men and women cringe attempting to talk in sexy voices.

Gross game, the creators do nothing about it because they know a lot of the gross sweaty no lifes are buying the subscriptions. Someone's gonna get sued at some point because I've heard about teens sexting with adults on here.
Odesláno 19. února 2022.
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0.6 hodin celkem
I tried a game and my team got destroyed very fast by two enemy players.

No ranking system it looks like, so new players can be paired with people who will lay you out in a match.

I was joining to have fun with a friend, but nevermind. This is not a casual game for people with anything going on in their life.

They expect you to spend hours customizing controls and learning aspects of the game in order to be competitive.

I have a life, bye.
Odesláno 3. prosince 2020.
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151.4 hodin celkem (151.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
It's great with mods. You can make it into almost any kind of rpg with mods.

I use a bunch of combat mods to make the fighting a lot like For Honor.
I use several Mod expansions that add areas and quests to the world
I use some texture mods which add lanterns to towns and basic artful cleanup to make the world look great
I use survival mods to make eating and sleeping, and keeping warm into requirements
And I use a reputation system so that NPCs actually treat you like what you are more or less.
There's a mod that makes the cat dialogue accurate, but I don't play cats.
Odesláno 22. srpna 2020.
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876.4 hodin celkem (315.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Checks all the boxes many games don't.
*Team Game - I hate games that socially isolate me. I love working with people toward a goal.
*Strategy Elements - Complex number and placement patterns and goals outside of killing the enemy team (objectives) keep me constantly thinking and formulating new and better strategies.
*RPG Elements - Being able to choose a loadout for characters you play is great and adds more strategy.
*Thematics - I've always loved mythology. Gods have aesthetics and stories that are just straight bad-ass and you get to play them.

What sucks
Trolling Enabled, Good Sportsmanship Mostly Disabled - The worst part about the VGS system is that it's pretty one way when the enemy team wins. In most casuals and ranked games, the winning team spams laughter at the losing team's failure and unlike dealing with toxic people in real life, you can't really do anything. You can't laugh back because most of your team is dead or not present in the win scene due to the nature of the game, meaning your emote won't be heard and normal VGS replies like "ok." aren't heard by the enemy team ever, so if I wanted to say "Good Game" to the other team, I'd have to wait until I was in the lobby chat, which most people don't really pay attention to. By cutting off this kind of communication between teams, and allowing others like laughter, Hi-rez severely discourages a culture of good sportsmanship in their game.

I get the impression that staff don't actually care how degrading old players are to new ones, since they've made a salt-shaker emote, which most people -correctly- interpret as "Are you mad that you're losing? I bet you are. Good, it amuses me."

This means Hi-res staff either approve of this sort of behavior, or are stunningly tone-deaf to internet culture and what "salty" means, since they've actively created the emote and it's been up for months and months.
Odesláno 28. prosince 2019.
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