1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
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張貼於:2020 年 3 月 21 日 下午 4:03
更新於:2020 年 11 月 25 日 下午 4:34

ugh these reviews that don't recommend this game. This game just has more action and more thinking. It really feels so awesome to rip & tear so many demons. This game has a lot of stuff. It's seriously a great game. Honestly I don't know what's wrong with this game. It's perfectly fine for me. Just git gud :v
But hey, everyone has their own opinion so whatever. Nothing can be perfect.

edit: well then... now let me give a thumbs down now cause of the new update. Specifically the Denuvo Anti-Cheat. Not gonna play the game until that's gone. Oh Bethesda... you just ruin everything :/

another edit: Ok we got some good news. Seems like it was id Software themselves that did this but it's understandable. Everyone makes mistakes. They're working on the new fix Update and everything should be back to normal again c:
Aight changed it back to positive. id Software is a great company! :3

And another thing. DOOM Eternal is game of the year for me. I feel like it probably won't be game of the year but we'll see.
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