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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,268.9 hrs on record (453.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Jun, 2021 @ 2:45pm
Updated: 13 Aug, 2022 @ 7:54am

ha ha funny tank go brrrrrrrrr

My actual thoughts on the game?

It's fun and engaging.... for a certain amount of time. But after spending 947 hours of my time playing the game, you'd expect me to have top tier tanks by now right? The majority of my 8.0 BR and up is made up of premium vehicles, the grind up to top tier in this game is painful. I played mainly USSR/Russia (before Ukraine), my ultimate goal was the T-90, I still have yet to reach this goal and have ultimately stopped playing the game simply because im tired of the grind, tired of the repetitive nature, and tired of the glaring balance issues (more on that later). I'm still pretty far away, 5 tanks may not seem like a lot to grind out, but not when the scale of research points needed to obtain a vehicle increases exponentially. I could probably spend another 300-500 hours playing this game and still not have it, and quite frankly, I've given up on that goal. In short, the grind is long and grueling in this game, nor is it rewarding after spending over a year playing the game.

I find balance to be a major issue in this game. I am constantly dying to stupid circumstances that I should most definitely not be dying to. I do enjoy high tier game play, it keeps you thinking and strategising, all while putting you under the stress of the battlefield, and if you know where to aim, you can more than likely kill most high tier tanks in one hit. This is not a bad thing, I also recognize that there are times where my own actions lead me to my demise, and I applaud my opponent's tankmanship in outsmarting me. The problem comes in when I get placed in matches where my tank is below the tier of most other tanks in the match. Players call this an uptier, and it happens almost every. single. match. I don't know about you, but a T-55AM-1, versus an M1 Abrams, is not a fair fight. I've had this happen to me before several times, and while not always to the extreme of being put at the Abrams' BR, it has happened, and it is a problem. When I say almost every single match, I mean it. Part of me wants to try to switch back over to the American tech tree, but I've done so little with it, and the grind would just be too much, this game has burnt me out. Lastly, the map design; there are plenty of great maps that are fun and engaging to play on, there are plenty others that are utter garbage and clearly give one side an advantage over the other. For Instance, the Sands of Sinai map. Spawning on the left hand side of the map is a lost cause, especially if you get the southern spawn points. Players who get the northern spawn points get an amazing snipers nest to just farm kills against any player going towards the C point. This gets exacerbated when you get this map in higher tiers like 8.0. I've gotten the northern spawn points, gone to the right side, and gotten 15-20+ kill games on this map with ATGMs. It's truly evil.

Now that I have the bad stuff out of the way, let me talk about a few positives to the game. The physics and realism in this game are astounding. Different kinds/amounts of damage are dealt depending upon where you hit a tank. Example; fuel gets hit, it starts a fire. Ammunition stores get hit, the ammo can cook off and destroy the tank. A crew member gets hit by 105mm APFSDS, he f-ing dies. etc. I also applaud the visuals of this game, the maps look amazing. With changing weather between matches, ambient noises, and tanks that truly look the part, visuals for this game easily get a 10 from me. Sound design is also quite good. The Stridsvagn is loud as balls, as well as most other turbine driven tanks, the guns sound nice and powerful. Overall, the visuals and sound design really come together to give this game a beautiful ambiance.

To close this essay, should you, the reader, play War Thunder? My answer, no. if you've never played before there's a lot you need to learn and do for the game to become fun. If you came here from watching a Youtuber fly around in an Apache getting kill after kill after kill, or watching some guy with an Abrams wreck 5 people and cap a point for his team single-handedly. Those events are so few and far between it's not even funny. Not only that but as expressed before, even after nearly a thousand hours of playtime, I still am no where close to the vehicles of my dreams. And I don't want to have to spend money to have fun in a game that's marketed as free to play. Then again, I'm not your dad, I can't stop you from trying the game, and hell, you might like it, who knows. I just hope my insight has given you food for thought here. And if you had enough attention span to sit here and read through my entire essay, you clearly have what it takes to play this game. If you do decide to play, may your matches forever be in your favor. For this tanker, my days of commanding a tank in the heat of battle are over. I may hop on once in a blue moon to meme around with my friends, but that's it.

TL-DR; I don't like this game.
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