Rolff Stonefist
True Nord   Nordland, Norway
Every night I wander around the Gray Quarter and let them gray-skins know what I think of them.
Only thing I hate worse than those Scalebacks are those accursed Grayskins.
We ought to dig a big hole, throw all them Dark Elves and Argonians in it, and let them tear each other to pieces.
The Gray Quarter is a disgrace, those Dark Elves live like animals.
I don't see why we let them Dark Elves live inside the walls, we should kick them out like we did the Scalebacks.
Get out of my face!
You like living in this filthy slum, dark elves? Maybe you should go back to Morrowind, where you belong!
Go back to Morrowind, Dark Elf braggards! Your kind isn't welcome here!
Get out of our city, gray-skins! This is Nord land!
We don't want your kind here, dark elves!
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Those incorrigible, sulken gray skins are the embodiment of evil, the epitome of sinister behaviour, and are eldritch apparitions to boot. Just shy of the morn, I apprehended one of their ragged ilk, attempting to purloin my prized golden fleece. Safe to s
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With stygian hoods donned atop our heads we march down the streets and welt any gray skin, or scaleback, insolent enough to tread foot into the main district. Such is our purpose as Nords of this realm.
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This Land Is Ours
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Revere Talos
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The Eternal Elf
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Nords Arise!
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Candidly, I find it astonishing that the developers are charging such an exorbitant price, for what looks to me like an aesthetically fancy and futuristic version of Pong. And lo and behold, if such a price is too little for your overflowing pockets, they even have the audacity to charge DLC, hooraye!

Arkanoid is bristling with vapid game concepts I've seen dozens of times. There are a lack of game modes, a paucity of players and no ability to remote play with friends, unless they are physically in your abode. As a brisk note of mention, I recall playing a game similar to this, nigh a decade ago, on my dads phone. At the time I merely perceived the game as a free mini game, that one could play to amuse themselves. To envision the identical game, years later, at this price is surreal.

For the identical price as this game, you could purchase Witcher 3 thricefold on sale, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Skyrim, and a myriad of other games, that whilst not similar to this games theme, are off a vastly superior quality.
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1.2 Hours played
I played this game for an hour many seasons ago. In the time that passed I laid out the milk and cookies for Santa, accosted Argonians in the docks, and hurled debris at the abodes of Dark Elves in the Gray Quarter. While the days passed, my fleeting memory of this game ebbed, until all recollections of Lost Ark were gone entirely. That was until I received a game ban for Lost Ark, on the 14th of January.

I inquire to the game developers, or whatever manner of charlatan decided it was a prime idea to ban inactive players, is this a deprave attempt to hold your remaining players under duress? Blackmailing them with the somber knowledge that if they leave your sodden excuse for a game, then they too will incur the wrath of a banhammer? I can ruminate on no other plausible reason as to why you have acted in such a manner. And to that I lie aghast, for today 170,000 people played this game, implying that there now belies 170,000 hostages who are at the mercy of your arbitrary whims.
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4 ratings
Contrary to the title emblazoned upon this game stating, "Support the war victims in Ukraine", it is an oxymoron, an utter farce, for no candid Ukrainian is being unjustly ravaged by war. Instead the Ukrainian beast is the antagonist. An Insidious aggresso
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I am a lucky leprechaun with my pot of gold and a punnet of four leaf clovers and as apart of the Freemason Irish Gaelic scheme to negrify the entire world, I am uncovering an archaic plan to extinguish uniqueness and cultural disparities permanently. For
George Veteran 7 Nov, 2022 @ 3:06am 
Thanks! :steamthumbsup: