Tiger Baron
They call me Tiger
"Arm yourself with the weapons of knowledge so that you may conquer tomorrow and suffer not the ignorant."
Multiplayer and Conquest Expanded, or M.A.C.E. for short aims to add more content and diversify the game for a more balanced and fun gameplay when coupled with future nations. We ask to first seek permission from us if you would like to use anything from t
Skabt af - Tiger Baron, BBQ, Shimakaze, og Andy02_ITA
This is an exhaustive guide which will detail what we know so far about modding in Gates of Hell from our own experience until the developers release their own modding documentation.
Expands on the game's vanilla factions by adding new units, abilities and upgrades as well as improving already present ones. The mod is meant to be a fun expertiment showcasing some of the currently hidden units and ideas for abilities as well as upgrades
252 vurderinger
Skabt af - Tiger Baron
Skabt af - Tiger Baron og KingDarBoja
47 vurderinger
Describes the basics of modding the game through tuning packs in detail, for now at least. In the future I plan on listing more advanced techniques as I gain experience as well as adding sections for map making and also game modes.
1.101 timer spillet
Have been playing this game since 2006, it's a Real Time Strategy game developed by Relic Entertainment and published by the now bankrupt THQ, based on the Essence Engine 1.0 which itself is a brand new engine inspired by the Impossible Creatures one which Dawn of War also used, albeit a modified version.

At the time of mostly stuff like Age of Empires, StarCraft and Warcraft were the dominant strategy games, CoH broke that mold by doing away with economic gathering and management by simply replacing it with a sector capturing system which generated resources for the player instead of stuff like wood, stock, gold and so forth you have Manpower which pays for your units, Ammunition which pays for your upgrades and abilities and finally Fuel, which pays for your buildings, some emplacements and your vehicles. Dynamic cover, something which only craters in Dawn of War provided and also destructible terrain, for the first time ever in a physics based RTS game were you allowed to create, destroy and use cover, your units could build sandbags, tank traps and emplacements, Tank and Artillery shells as well as stuff like satchel charges made shell craters on the ground giving your infantry light cover which helped them in the late game, I've often times had matches where the map looked like a side of the moon even.

The Armies and units themselves are also memorable and full of character, their voices, the sounds, the accents, the explosions, the graphics, the game holds up pretty well even by being from 2006.

Apart from that gameplay wise, the Armies are designed symmetrically to one another, with the Panzer Elite and British Commonwealth introduced in Opposing Fronts in 2007 being a tad different.

The US Army has your standard 6 man Rifle squad that can be globally upgraded with BARs and Grenades from the barracks, 3 man Engineer Squad that can build tank traps, wire and demo charges (albeit you'll need an unlock from the HQ) and of course "Elite" infantry in the form of the doctrinal Rangers from the Infantry Company and Airborne from obviously, the Airborne Company. Tank wise you have the M4A3 Sherman, the de-facto "workhorse" of the Western Allied Armies, the M10 Tank Destroyer or M18 Hellcat (if you have Tales of Valor) and the Sherman Crocodile flamethrower tank equipped with a bulldozer capable of breaking tank traps and hedgerows. Besides the aforementioned Infantry and Airborne Companies, you also have the highly aggressive and mobile but slow to build up tank Company which gives you access to the M26 Pershing and M4 Sherman Calliope and also allows your light vehicles to capture sectors.

The British Commonwealth is probably the most difficult to learn and master Armies of the game, being very defensively oriented but also arguably "mobile" because of their 3 HQ trucks, you have the hardy 5 man Infantry Section all armed with Lee-Enfield rifles initially at the hefty cost of 450 manpower who can build emplacements as well as trenches and be upgraded to either double Brens or Rifle Grenades. Sappers can be called in from the 2nd Infantry Support HQ truck and are your main builder and repair unit, they have additional emplacements in the form of the Bofors, 17 pounder (your only AT gun) and 25 pounder. They also have their 2 officer units, the "Leftenant" and Captain, each required to be fielded in order to unlock the next HQ truck. Commandos are another Airborne like infantry unit that can be called in via glider from their own specific Regiment. Vehicle wise the British I would say are in a better spot than the US Army, you have the Cromwell which is basically like the US M4 Sherman but without a .50 cal MG upgrade and with a lower profile and is a bit faster, while the M4 Sherman Firefly is probably the best Tank Destroyer in the entire game with it's 17 pounder gun, combined that with the Cromwell Command Tank, the "officer" vehicle which is required in order to unlock the Firefly, is a deadly combination. They also have access to the M7 "Priest" Self-propelled gun from the Royal Canadian Artillery regiment which also improves your Mortar pits as well as 25 pounder emplacements and finally the Churchill and it's 2 variants, the flame-throwing Crocodile variant and AVRE from the Royal Scottish Engineers Regiment. Experience wise the British are also unique as only their officer units (the Cromwell Command Tank in the vehicle case) can rank up and provide auras around them that "buff" nearby units, take in mind tho that having the Staghound Armored Car enabled in the reward vehicle tab replaces the Command Tank, so I advise taking it if you're planning on going Firefly heavy.

The Wehrmacht is the standard 1944 German Army with concrete buildings and their 5 man Volksgrenadier squads which can be upgraded to MP40s and having access to the Panzerfaust, they can also stack sandbags and build barbedwire, the 2 man Pioneer squad which is the basic repair and builder unit and the Grenadiers, a 4 man squad that gains an "Elite" status upon reaching veterancy level 3, capable of being upgraded with MG42s and Panzershrecks but come with standard Karabiner 98k rifles like the Volks, but of course are more skillful with them. Lastly there are the Knights' Cross Holders which are your top of the line 3 man StG 44 armed "Elite" anti-infantry squad which doesn't excel at much else, of course apart from them there are the doctrinal Stormtroopers from the Blitzkrieg doctrine but they are mostly better and more expensive Grenadiers that can just cloak, for the most part. Tank wise the Wehrmacht has the better tanks of the 2 German Armies, having the standard long barreled Panzer IV medium tank, Ostwind, StuG IV Assault gun and more or less the Puma which isn't really a tank but still, is a nice flexible vehicle to have in any Army composition, and finally from the Blitzkrieg doctrine the StuH which is basically the StuG IV but armed with a 105mm howitzer, the Tiger, my personal favorite, and from the Terror doctrine the King Tiger, which can be only called in once so that's that if you lose it. You also have access to the Flak 36 88 mm gun from the Defensive doctrine, a very deadly and long ranged stationary piece that can knock out both vehicles and planes with extremely precise accuracy, as if you're hitting a fly with a hammer almost. They also "buy" their veterancy instead of earning it from the Kampfkraft Center.

And finally we have the Panzer Elite, my favorite overall Army, vehicular based and highly mobile, they guzzle fuel like it's nothing, both for their vehicles and Panzergrenadier upgrades. Unlike other Armies the PE only have one type of infantry, the aforementioned Panzergrenadiers, and their 2 variants the Assault and Tank Buster PGs. Starting out as a 3 man squad they can be upgraded to 4 men and several upgrades that allow them to cap and repair faster and last longer when facing Machine Gun fire due to their suppression. Other infantry units are the doctrinal 5 man Luftwaffe Ground Forces squad which can build Flakvierling 30/38 AA guns and later the 88 and lastly the Fallschirmjagers which are again "Elite" infantry. As far as vehicles go, and they are a lot, you have your Infantry Halftrack based on the Sdfkz 250 armed with an MG42 that can suppress enemy infantry and reinforce your own, a mortar variant based on the same vehicle as well as one armed with a 37mm AT gun which sort of acts as the Army's "sniper" so to speak. Vehicle wise they have the Panzer IV support tank, Marder III Tank Destroyer and doctrinally the Hummel SPG from the Scorched Earth doctrine, Jagdpanther and Hetzer from the Tank Destroyer doctrine and the Wirbelwind from the Luftwaffe doctrine. In Terms of experience they are also unique as each level can be customized with "Offensive" and "Defensive" choices.

This is my personally favorite game, not just WW2 but also RTS one, and I will continue playing it until the day that I die.
As a devoted fan of the Company of Heroes series, I approached Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront with both excitement and skepticism. However, I am thrilled to say that this game exceeded my expectations, offering a fresh and exhilarating take on the World War II real-time strategy genre that will undoubtedly resonate with fellow Company of Heroes enthusiasts.

One of the most impressive aspects of Gates of Hell: Ostfront is its attention to detail. The painstakingly crafted environments, realistic physics, and authentic weaponry transport players back to the gritty battlefields of World War II. The visuals are stunning, capturing the chaos and devastation of war with remarkable fidelity. Each unit and vehicle is meticulously modeled, showcasing the same level of meticulous detail that made Company of Heroes a benchmark in the genre.

The gameplay mechanics in Gates of Hell: Ostfront strike a perfect balance between realism and accessibility. The tactical depth and strategic decision-making that characterized Company of Heroes are present here, allowing players to formulate complex plans, coordinate movements, and exploit weaknesses in the enemy lines. The emphasis on combined arms warfare, with a seamless integration of infantry, tanks, artillery, and air support, creates a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.

Furthermore, the inclusion of a robust modding community and extensive modding support enhances the game's replayability. This feature, reminiscent of the vibrant Company of Heroes modding scene, allows players to customize and extend their gameplay experience, ensuring that no two battles feel the same. The creativity and dedication of the modding community add a wealth of content and possibilities to Gates of Hell: Ostfront, making it a game that can be enjoyed for years to come.

The attention to historical accuracy in Gates of Hell: Ostfront is commendable. The meticulous research that has gone into capturing the unique characteristics and tactics of the Eastern Front sets this game apart. The inclusion of lesser-known battles, factions, and units adds a layer of authenticity that will delight history buffs and fans of the era. The commitment to historical accuracy elevates the immersion and creates a sense of reverence for the soldiers who fought on the Eastern Front.

The multiplayer experience in Gates of Hell: Ostfront is a highlight for any Company of Heroes fan. The intense and strategic battles against other players, with the same level of tactical depth and dynamic gameplay as the single-player mode, offer endless hours of thrilling competition. The active community and dedicated servers ensure a vibrant multiplayer scene, fostering camaraderie and fierce rivalries among players.

The developers' commitment to the game's post-launch support and updates is praiseworthy. Regular patches, content updates, and improvements demonstrate a dedication to refining the gameplay experience and addressing player feedback. The transparency and communication between the developers and the player community foster a sense of trust and engagement, ensuring that the game continues to evolve and improve over time.

In conclusion, Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront is a triumphant addition to the World War II real-time strategy genre, particularly for fans of Company of Heroes. Its attention to detail, immersive visuals, refined gameplay mechanics, historical accuracy, vibrant multiplayer, and robust modding support make it a must-play for enthusiasts of tactical warfare. Gates of Hell: Ostfront captures the essence of what made Company of Heroes so beloved while offering its own unique take on the Eastern Front. Prepare to be immersed in the chaos and heroism of World War II once again!
Tiger Ace crew.
18 3 2
Tiger Ace - The return
Tiger Ace Crew on a Firefly
124 14 2
The Tiger's bite.
Company of Heroes The Great War - Kaiserschlacht stalemate
118 15
Hell Let Loose - Tiger, One Shot Wonder at Foy
My Favorite Quotes
"Well, in training he is our scholar, at feast he is our father, in the ranks he is our brother, and in battle he is the god, we pray, to save our souls." - Bothos, Centurion

"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of the best shots." - Richard Sharpe, quoting Voltaire

"Pray not for easier lives, pray to be stronger men." - John F. Kennedy

"If not us, who? If not now, when? - John F. Kennedy

“Experience is the teacher of all things.” - Julius Caesar

“Without training, they lacked knowledge.
Without knowledge, they lacked confidence.
Without confidence, they lacked victory.” - Julius Caesar

"Practice, the master of all things." - Augustus Caesar

"If you want rainbow, you have to deal with the rain." - Augustus Caesar

"Young men, listen to an old man to whom old men listened when he was young." - Augustus Caesar.

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” - Marcus Aurelius

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” -Marcus Aurelius

"Victory belongs to the most persevering." - Napoleon Bonaparte

"If you want a thing done well, do it yourself." - Napoleon Bonaparte

"Forethought we may have, undoubtedly, but not foresight." - Napoleon Bonaparte

“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. “ - George S. Patton

“I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight.” - George S. Patton

“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.” - George S. Patton

“Do everything you ask of those you command.” - George S. Patton

"I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom." - George S. Patton

“Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.” - George S. Patton

“Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, but brains saves both.” - Erwin Rommel

“Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning. ” - Erwin Rommel

“Be an example to your men, in your duty and in private life. Never spare yourself, and let the troops see that you don't in your endurance of fatigue and privation. Always be tactful and well-mannered and teach your subordinates to do the same. Avoid excessive sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.” - Erwin Rommel

“No plan survives contact with the enemy.” - Erwin Rommel

“It is often possible to decide the issue of a battle merely by making an unexpected shift of one's main weight.” - Erwin Rommel

“There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.” - Heinz Guderian

“Actions speak louder than words. In the days to come the Goddess of Victory will bestow her laurels only on those who prepared to act with daring.” - Heinz Guderian

"If the tanks succeed, then victory follows." - Heinz Guderian
Tiger Baron 21. sep. 2023 kl. 12:38 
Unfortunately I haven't really touched the Battlegroups and their abilities but I'm assuming that if the values are not hard-coded they may be somewhere in their respective cost sections, or perhaps even in the BG's bag.

I'll update the guide if I get around to it however.
VEF215 21. sep. 2023 kl. 0:37 
Thanks for the mod guide for CoH 3. Was able to post my mod because of your guide, much appreciated. :lunar2019piginablanket: question, do you know how to change the values of call ins properly, the amount of command points? When I changed these values, clicking off the commander tree screen would subtract the normal amount of exp away from the player, instead of the new changed value. Is this hardcoded or needs to be changed somewhere else? For example I would change a call in from 3 CP to 2. Would show in UI as 2, player could afford it with 2 and click it, but clicking off that screen would still subtract -3 and put the player in -1 CP, and gaining negative experience actually lol
temperate06 25. juli 2023 kl. 9:52 
of course,still i dont know anything about modding.
Witch-King of Angmar 13. juli 2023 kl. 4:57 
:lotrspirit:“The big lesson in life is never be scared of anyone or anything.”:lotrspirit:
MisterMayoNL 15. mar. 2023 kl. 5:55 
Concerning CoH1 mobile.

What you can do:

Edit/Add Sound

Edit/Add Victory conditions

Edit Campaign missions

Scripted events



Edit/Add Maps

Edit/Add Textures (including unit models)

Edit AI

What you can't do:

Edit/Add units

Unit stats

Squad stats

Weapon stats




Edit/Add Factions

Edit Omaha mission

Edit Tutorial

Edit/Add Text

In short, you can only edit things in the Data section, and nothing in the DataAttrib section.
Witch-King of Angmar 20. jan. 2023 kl. 8:24 
Have a Nice Day:sealdeal: