Mike   United States
Get right with the Lord Jesus Christ and put your faith in Him NOW before its too late!!

The world is about to change in the near future, yet the only thing that is set and 100% true without error or fault on this earth is the Word of God which already foretells of things to come and how things will end. Which side of history are you on?

The scary advances of A.I that threaten human existence/freedom, hatred towards Jews all around the world is getting worse and worse (as the Bible says it will), the upcoming US election that will divide the country and pit people against one another (both parties are 2 sides of the same coin), powerful entities weaponizing weather on innocent people for their own benefits, the destruction of major food supply chains all around the world causing inflation and crazy high food prices, unprecedented weather events and earthquakes all around the world, the influx of UAP/UFO talk by governments of the world (are they prepping us for something?), the open practice of Devil worship and occultisim by the worlds most powerful and famous celebrities, and many many more atrocities and endtimes like events that will keep snow balling until the coming of the LORD.

Are you on the side of Life? Or are you on the side of Death and destruction? The decision to come to Christ is easy as you simply have to believe 100% with your mind and Heart that He died for your sins and that He is God (Jesus Christ). You don't need to go to church 100 times, or get baptized, never sin, memorize scripture to be born again. you simply need to BELIEVE by FAITH ALONE and you will be sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise and saved for all eternity no matter what you do after that.

Get saved now and read the Bible (KJV) because time is short and you definitely do not want to be left behind to deal with the wrath that God will pour out on this earth in the future.

OLD News:
UPDATE: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsiGiziM7Vw) Looks like the next victim of "wildfires" was in Chile where it just so happens they were the hot spot for lithium.

UPDATE#2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD6tq8gJm98) Looks like the next victim of "wildfires" was potentially in Texas Amarillo (the pan handle), and the "leader of the free world" may have slipped up. Prayers for the people who lost their homes, land, animals, family,...etc.


Prayers for all souls lost by the "wildfires" Maui, as well as the families grieving for their loved ones.
Open your eyes people! There is much more going on then "natural wildfires". Look into the actual events of the Muai "wildfires", the actual eyewitness accounts (boot on the ground) and tell me everything the media is saying is true? Your being lied to and the biggest modern massacres (not natural disasters) is being covered up right in front of your eyes.

This is just ONE the most recent intentional massacre of US citizens to happen and the biggest illegal land grab operation in US history. The curtain is being pulled right over your eyes.

Get your heart right with the Lord Jesus Christ, believe/trust in His finished works in the cross and His Blood shed for you salvation, so when things like this happen you KNOW for a FACT where you are going and you have PEACE of mind and heart.

Get into the Word of God (KJV) and you will realize not only are we living in the last days, we are in times supreme evil/wickedness (it is open and running rampant), and the battle of Good and Evil is getting more pronounced by the day.

If you read this with an open mind and open heart I pray you get saved/born again, so that even in the worst of times on this wicked earth you have PEACE in heart and faith in the creator of all things the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks for reading:steamthumbsup:
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Do You Know Where You Would Go If You Died Right Now?
1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 (KJV) (Updates at the bottom)

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior and received his FREE GIFT of eternal salvation? Do you know what would happen and where you would go if you were to die right now? If you know about the Bible and Jesus but willfully choose to not believe in Him, did you ever think about if YOU are WRONG? Please understand that there is ONE way to receive eternal security to enter Heaven and avoid the Wrath of God. You have to understand that NO ONE on this earth can save themselves from Hell because SIN was the reason GOD created Hell. Once you realize that you yourself are incapable of not sinning (Romans 3:23 KJV) then you will realize that you cannot save yourself from Hell no matter how good of a person you are, no matter how much good you do on this earth, no matter how much you go to church, and no matter how much you read your Bible.

Jesus Christ (God in the flesh) sacrificed himself for the SINS of the world. He realized that we are fallen sinful creatures (since the fall of Adam and Eve) and we are incapable of saving ourselves without HIS intervention. God the Father sent his son Jesus to die for the SINS of the world. He loves his creation so much and is so merciful that He provided every human on earth the choice to accept his FREE GIFT of eternal salvation (Which is his BLOOD that was shed on the cross for our sins), in-order to gain eternal security in Heaven with him. God did not make us Robots to obey his every command (although He does want us to follow His word and commandments), he gave mankind complete freewill to choose how they live, yet He also gave us the consequences of dis-obeying his will all throughout His Word. If YOU willing Choose to not believe or follow His Word then YOU will face the consequences and that is a fact.

Anyone that has an open mind and eyes to see can see where our world is headed today. You can't spend a day without hearing or seeing the evils going on in our world (deaths, natural disasters, political divisions, deceitful media,....) and these things will continue to get worse. Fortunately the Bible (KJV) has already foretold that these things will come to pass at the end times, when Jesus will come back for his Bride (His believers).

If you believe this then once again, are YOU saved by the Mercy and Grace of Jesus Christ? and do you truly believe (FAITH alone NO WORKS) that Jesus Chris sacrificed himself to wipe away your sins? I only ask that you read this and take your soul seriously because God gives everyone the same choice 1) Believe in His death (He shed his blood to forgive ALL sins), burial and resurrection for your salvation, or 2) Choose non-belief, worship idols/false god, blaspheme His name...etc (All of which lead to an eternity in Hell).

The END is near people and if you don't wake up, you, your family, and those lost/unsaved will face the full WRATH of GOD as told in the book Daniel and Revelations. Don't give up hope in these hard times and realize that you will only have true peace through the Gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ and no man made law, or government can bring peace (Romans 3:15-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4).

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, Mark 13:5-8)

I hope this helps somebody out there and if you have any particular questions these Online Christian ministries can help you (real bible believers, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCDmYOJJ08h-pG8J2iMDjA , Pastor Robert Breaker, https://www.youtube.com/user/Robertbreaker3 )


UPDATE: If you need detailed information and proof that the KJV (or Authorized Version) English Bible is the only PURE word of GOD (and any translations of this version). Please read the book " NEW AGE BIBLE VERSIONS (2020 edition)" By G. A. Riplinger (MUST READ), Thanks for reading.
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Mike 13 Mar, 2023 @ 12:04pm 
@Mark Felton Productions

I'm sorry to hear that, but never give up because Jesus will NOT give up on you (even if it seems the world is against you). You may get disheartened by the world or hardships in your life but you have to have faith that the Lord will save you from an eternity of burning in Hell (the blessed hope). Life was never ment to be easy even for saved believers but a short while of suffering on this earth will lead to eternity in Heaven (and the way to get there is easy).

If you are open minded about true faith (Bible believing faith, not some cult or uneducated belief system) then check out some of the videos at the end of my bio that explain (and prove using the Bible) how you can get saved. My whole out look on life was changed once I really understood the gospel and actual sat down to read and study what it actually says.

Thanks for the kind comment and please take your soul seriously so you know exactly where you will go when you leave this earth.
Raubritter 13 Mar, 2023 @ 11:51am 
I myself have lost faith a long time ago, but God bless you and your family.
Skolokiroptera 11 Mar, 2023 @ 3:54pm 
Not a KJV onlyist, but the gospel is proclaimed and that's what really matters as per Philippians 1:18. Have some points brother.
Freak4Leeks 6 Feb, 2023 @ 1:03am 
Cheers mike. I was pretty confused when he took the phrase so personally.
Mercenary Orange 17 Oct, 2022 @ 1:13pm 
hey you know that Nick guy in the Prodeus forum literally demanding BR for the game? i really think he's either trolling or just too hard headed...
Engels78 6 Apr, 2022 @ 9:37pm 
Thank you from the other side of the World 😉 God bless you!