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14.0 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
Jet Set Radio and JSRF are two games that had a massive impact on my childhood; Hideki Naganuma's music was on every single MP3 player I had growing up. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk brings those vibes back so hard that I felt like I was a little kid again, wishing he was a Rudie skating the streets.

The game isn't perfect, now: combat against the cops is ultra-simplistic and not always fun to engage in, and one particular level can be a nightmare to navigate due to its focus on verticality. However, it's easy to overlook these flaws with how good the rest of the game is, from the movement mechanics to the mind-blowing soundtrack.

Get this game if you have ANY love for JSR. BRC was made with Team Reptile's heart and soul, and it shows.
Posted 12 September, 2024.
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21.4 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
It's DOOM.

I don't think I need to say much more than that. It's DOOM. And it's still crazy fun to play.
Posted 2 September, 2024.
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5.2 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
This is the most wonderfully demented game I've played in years. If you enjoy a combination of deadpan and absurd humor, play this game.
Posted 4 August, 2024.
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103.8 hrs on record (50.5 hrs at review time)
This game is such a classic in the CRPG genre. Bits of it certainly haven't aged well and the D&D 3.0-based ruleset has its issues, but the real-time-with-pause gameplay, the excellent campaigns, and the amazing module support all mean you're getting a ton of bang for your buck.
Posted 25 June, 2024.
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33.9 hrs on record (32.2 hrs at review time)
This game's Zone Patrol mode shares a lot of the best characteristics of the STALKER series: fun open-world exploration, bizarre barely-explained anomalies, and long-buried, horrible secrets. It takes about 10-15 hours to beat if you're quick to catch on to the game's hints and lore, and much more time if you're determined to unearth all of the Zone's secrets.

That said, it's not perfect. Anomalies would spawn in area exits with frustrating regularity. While this -could- lead to interesting choices about finding ways around, in practice it means sitting and waiting for the anomalies to clear before proceeding. Key items can also be very difficult to spot amidst all of the console buttons and detritus in the Zone, which can lead to frustrating levels of backtracking and retreading old areas to be sure you didn't miss that one little blinking green light in a sea of computer screens and glowing console buttons. That said, these are fairly minor complaints in the face of the rest of the game.

Highly recommended for fans of FPS exploration and spooky metaphysical horror.
Posted 6 June, 2024. Last edited 6 June, 2024.
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4.2 hrs on record
This game has absolutely no right being as fun as it is. It's somehow both an amazingly elaborate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and a fantastic boomer shooter with some tight level design. If you can jive with unending toilet humor, this is worth a play.
Posted 18 June, 2023.
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4.9 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
This is a surprisingly solid shooter that just came out of nowhere. It has a very similar vibe to the Nintendo 64 Turok games, particularly in how the movement feels and in the graphical style. It's some good retro shooter fun, especially for a mere $5.
Posted 18 June, 2023.
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47.0 hrs on record (22.2 hrs at review time)
This is a very conditional recommendation -- with mods, this game is absolutely worth the price. Unmodded, it lacks a great deal of content, the AI is next to useless, and the customization options that you'd really expect from a Battletech/Mechwarrior title just aren't there. Buy only if you're okay spending time tinkering with the game to get it to where you want.
Posted 16 January, 2023.
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10.8 hrs on record
Bayonetta is a masterpiece of a beat-'em-up. When Devil May Cry was letting action fans down, Bayonetta stepped up into the spotlight in her magnificent high heels to fill the void.
Posted 15 October, 2022.
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3.8 hrs on record
Cultic (Chapter 1) is a fantastic, well-paced, well-priced 3-5 hour bloody romp through deranged cultists and horrible stitched-together undead abominations. If you like Blood or Dusk, this is for you.
Posted 15 October, 2022.
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