Tristan   United States
Review Showcase
35 Hours played
From the start this game oozes charisma. The UI of the menus and how the information in the game is delivered to you is very effective for a story heavy isometric RPG. I recommend for your first playthrough to at least look at the custom character creation just for the perks screen, it will give you an idea of how the game itself works, seeing things like "Logic, Visual Calculus, and Conceptualization" as possible specialized perks for your character. The preset character builds are still great, arguably can be a better experience based on how exaggerated their stats are (ex: the Thinker is great at Logic stat but terrible with the Psyche stat with makes him terrible with people). This creates amazing situations where one character you build can learn information from someone using Logic and Critical Thinking, but a character that is very Empathetic can learn very different (sometimes similar) information through reading into people and their responses in-game.

I bought this game on a whim... the reviews sold me on a "truly unique" experience and "choices that actually matter". Some even saying this is the best RPG of the current era.
Do I agree with these claims? It's too early to tell, however I find myself enjoying the game so much that I WANT to give the game that title already. This is the charm of Disco Elysium, it's a unique take on iso. RPGs with a unique setting and a unique way to blend these two aspects together to make it work for the game.

The negatives that people have with the game are:
-too many words, I don't want to read a book.
-not completely voice acted
-controls are archaic...
-game pretends to be an RPG

and to this I say: yes the game has voice acting at certain parts and then none at others, but this is EASILY passable considering how dense this game is with dialogue it would be near impossible for a small dev team to get all these lines voiced... I think I read somewhere it was over a million words in this script. You shouldn't get this game expecting to have a mindless romp of an action adventure, it never presents itself as such, yes you will be reading a lot, but you read a lot in any true RPG.
also the controls are point and click... wasd might make it simpler to walk around but making the game point and click doesn't take away much, if anything, from the experience.
and the game is absolutely an RPG... it just MATTERS what stats you put into your character, sometimes you want to play a certain way but didn't put those kinds of stats in so yeah you may not see it as a playing option, the game keeps you from doing character breaking events if your character is not built towards or at least could be seen as doing this action you wanted...

Disco Elysium keeps surprising me with options that I didn't expect to even have, they really smashed all the content they possibly could into the small world they've built! Every few feet in-game has something to interact with and you often will come back to things realizing another solution. I'm excited to make a complete opposite build and re-playthrough to see how many different ways you can go about situations.

So far it's a 9/10, but I will complete the review once I actually finish a playthrough.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
TheReelGame 20 Jun, 2014 @ 7:31pm 
Such Wow
Pleighour 20 Jun, 2014 @ 7:30pm 
TacoPowerPHD 1 Sep, 2012 @ 10:33am 
Do a gameplay walkthrough of cryostasis sleep of reason.