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DeMaZe- 12 Jun, 2023 @ 12:52pm 
The Prophet (PBUH) suffered.

Jesus suffered.

God bestowed suffering upon them.

How can you believe that you are above suffering?

God will never see you as better than his prophets.

IF they suffered, you MUST suffer.

You cannot escape it. You can only become good at it.

I am very good at suffering.

I know exactly how to do it.

I suffer quickly and efficiently. I learn and process the lessons without delay.

I do not prolong the necessary.

I sit and I pay attention, I learn and I DO NOT repeat the mistake.

Most of you suffer more than needed because you’re not good at it.

You’re not good at it because you’re not learning what you’re supposed to learn.

Do you understand?

- Andrew Tate
DeMaZe- 2 Jun, 2023 @ 11:25am 
“The minute you choose a woman over your goals is the minute you lose them both.” - Andrew Tate
DeMaZe- 2 Jun, 2023 @ 11:25am 
“Stress is the only condition under which your body and mind will ever perform miracles.” - Andrew Tate
DeMaZe- 2 Jun, 2023 @ 11:24am 
“You need to start believing you are the f*cking man. Even if you're not the man yet.

Even before I was world champion, I knew I was gonna be the man.” - Andrew Tate
DeMaZe- 2 Jun, 2023 @ 11:24am 
“There is simply one way to become an exceptional man, a professional. You must go through hell and survive.” - Andrew Tate
smlz 18 Sep, 2020 @ 11:51am 
-rep Good teamplayer