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Recent reviews by The Plaid King

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0.0 hrs on record
Surprisingly great dlc, just be ready to sit down and learn the new mechanics.

The diplomacy bonus from the court granduer system (where you're over your "expected" court granduer) breaks the Iberian scenario and makes an early resolution pretty easy. I would recommend disabling Royal Court when playing this.

Unless, you know, you want that. ♥♥♥♥♥.
Posted 11 July, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
19.3 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
I romanced my friend, very pog.
Posted 27 June, 2021.
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14.8 hrs on record
Well...that was depressing.
Posted 29 December, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
137.8 hrs on record (81.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm too lazy to write a really long review. So, here are a couple bullet points:
-Iz good
-I like
-I play
-Many guns
-Pretty maps
-Big maps
-Many maps
-Many deaths
-Nice sized community
-workshop support (for pin-up fun)
-I suck, but death is still fun
Yeah that's it. Buy it.
Posted 22 March, 2017.
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892.3 hrs on record (70.5 hrs at review time)
Have you ever wanted to relive the intrigue, incest, backstabbing, and brutal torture of the Game of Thrones series? Well then this is the game for you!
Posted 24 November, 2015.
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266.1 hrs on record (35.6 hrs at review time)
In a world where crappy fps games rule the market and companies such as Activision release the same game every year one game stands above the rest, Verdun. I find it difficult to describe my love for this game but I sure as hell will try.

TLDR: For those of you with lives who don't want to read my ridiculously long review let me give you a summary:
Verdun has great performance, combat, level design, historical accuracy, a large array of classes with variants for each and only it's only con is the French. Buy this game. (Plus there is some possible free dlc that will add a huge amount to the base game which is already huge).

1. PERFORMANCE: Verdun is very well optimized I play the game on a pretty crappy rig with an integrated graphics card and even I can get 60fps while playing this
2. COMBAT: The combat in this game is fantastic! Rifles are one shot kills with each rifle from the two factions feeling different and unique to handle. Pistols, the bane of my existance, or two shot kills but obviously have a higer rate of fire able to clear a congested section of a trench rather easily. Machineguns can be devestating but are easily out manuevered by a coordinated squad. There are even trench clubs and shovels for one hit melee kills as well as bayonets, knives, and grenades.
3. THE SQUADS: For each of the two factions there are three squads each with four positions that are unique to that squad. Each position has three variants to appeal to all players. The officer, or NCO, uses a combination of pistols, grenades, binoculars, and if you're lucky a rifle. They inspire their nearby men giving statistical bonuses to members of their squads who remain in their aura. Also, officer can have their squad mates "forward spawn" allowing a squad mate to spawn on their officer. An officer can place down markers to tell his squad where to attack, defend, or move. Every officer has one of three devestating strategical abilities depending on the squad they belong too. These abilities include a devestating gas attack that blinds the enemies providing cover for your troops to advance and if you're lucky some bastard will choke on it. The mortar is pretty self explanatory you blow people up with bombs from heaven. And last but not least is the recon plane which reveals enemy positions in a given area. The rest of the squad members range from machinegunners with various loadouts to snipers and crazy berserkers who go into battle with nothing but a shovel and 5 grenades.
4. ACCURACY: This game is one of, if not the only, WW1 multiplayer fps around. It is extremely well researched from the uniforms to the design of the maps.
5. ATMOSPHERE: This game makes you feel like you are fighting in WW1. Everything about it is makes you feel clastrophobic, paranoid, and just downright terrified. Gas attacks unman you causing your voice to sound like a helium balloon was just shoved down your throat. And nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more terrifying then being the last man alive in the enemy trench.
6. LEVEL DESIGN: I kind of already touched on this but the maps in this game are fantastic. The maps are huge and logically designed with multiple stages. Just the other day I had played a map I had played probably 20+ and we were able to push the Frenchies back to their second to last trench. I started to see parts of the map I had never seen before including a huge well fortified bunker and an isolated section of the trench that acted as a last foothold for the defenders if they were overrun.

1. THE FRENCH: Nothing angers me more then those silly blue uniforms. I mean come on BLUE?! They stand out like a sore thumb
2. PLAYER BASE: It saddens me to say this but rarely do you see more then 400 players on Verdun at once so do expect to meet the same people in battles. However, if you are worried about this affecting game sizes do not be dismayed. Verdun has an excellent drop in and out system so a game that starts 2v2 can end with a full out 16v16 battle.

Overall I love this game and I recommend you buy it if you're tired of jetpack soldiers and laser guns corrupting the fps genre.
Posted 20 August, 2015.
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139.4 hrs on record (98.9 hrs at review time)
FTL is a fantastic Rogue-like with great craft your own story elements. Every playthrough, for atleast the first 50 hours, is different and exciting.
Posted 1 April, 2015. Last edited 8 May, 2016.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries