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13 Hours played
There are, arguably, three ways to make a statement in a game. The first is through its story line. This can be done using dialogue, information present in your surroundings, content found while playing the game and the narrative arc. The second way is with its aesthetic. Things like your surroundings, character design, art design, and environment art. The third, and arguably the most difficult, is to make a statement with gameplay, where your act of interaction is a position of artistic merit. The reason I would say that using the gameplay as a pertinent tool for a message is difficult since controls are either so seamless, or so boilerplate, that it is simply relegated as a system of input. The first game to use all three competently this year was Spec Ops: The Line. With Hotline Miami, there are now two. The storyline strongly evokes David Lynch or Cronenberg. The aesthetics feel like an 80s Michael Mann film, and the gameplay is like an acid trip Manhunt. Must play.
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