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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4,064.4 hrs on record (4,034.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Oct, 2023 @ 11:39am

Valve couldn't have screwed up the launch of this game and the decisions around it any more than they did. At the current time, the state of the game is basically broken. They decided to get rid of CSGO all together in order to avoid another CS Source issue where players didn't go to the new game due to hating it.

The subtick BS that they were so proud of causes nothing but problems. Rather than investing in upgrading the servers and making it better tickrates, they did this half @ssed concept and it's game breaking due to the interp and other issues. You're getting killed behind walls when strafing but the game isn't registering as a wall bang and on the enemy's screen you weren't behind the wall, yet you were.

The anticheat they were so proud of is absolutely useless, in fact it's a worse system than the previous Overwatch system which allowed people with little understanding of how the game is played to be the deciders if someone is cheating without the game comms or anything. Even if they anticheat was good, they aren't permabans with hardware or anything like that. So bans for cheating are meaningless, they'll just go buy another account that was hacked or make a new one and continue cheating and ruining the fun and competitiveness for everyone else. Cheating is already rampant and worse than it was in CSGO just weeks after the full release.

Somehow in their infinite wisdom, they replace the old game with the new CS2 and provided less content in the new game and nothing new. Literally NOTHING NEW. No brand new maps, in fact there are less maps available to play now than before. Right now you have to do work arounds just to join community maps as well. So we got less maps, no new cool skins or an operation to earn cool new skins to showcase the new look or anything. Nope. Literally nothing to the game besides the massive issues and massive framerate loss compared to the old. How they thought that was a good idea, is beyond mind boggling.

It's probably going to be years before this game is in a state where it can be truly competitive. With so many game breaking bugs, glitches, and performance issues... I see why Valve doesn't develop games for a living any more.
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