Slip into a world where the air I breathe is mine
There's nothing to overwhelm me and nothing to cloud my mind
Come with me into it and you know what you will find
Time doesn't exist here, we will never die
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paunchE~ 3 Nov, 2009 @ 1:51pm 
au stele al ti ruzan dres xD
SteleBK2 20 May, 2009 @ 12:24am 
haha pa brate ja krenem neku od onih igrica i samo sto udjem zovu me na cw..i jbg nemam slobode :( xD
SteleBK2 27 Apr, 2009 @ 5:21am 
hahah to je pesma :D au pein hahah :D
SteleBK2 20 Apr, 2009 @ 3:42am 
<3 :D