Sombra Velada
I don't need an introduction because you all love me or hate me.
Stop with the hate. Make with the love or we will not be brochachos.

p.s. *gives you her love*
Sombra Velada
Welcome to my profile..
My name is Kassandra..
And yes, I'm a girl and old enough to be your mother xD
And I'm happily together with Lady Dimitrescu :)

( -.-)
O_(")(") Pedo Bunneh xD

The only place where I belong is on a good RPG or FPS.
If you say get back in the kitchen, I say get of you lazy ass and get the food yourself :) <3

I'm not beautiful or gorgeous. I haven't got an amazing figure or a flat stomach. I'm far from being considered model material. I'm me. I eat junk food and love to wear my PJ's and no make-up around the house. I'm random and crazy af!!! And I don't pretend I am someone I am not. I am who I am, love me or not. I can't change ME.

girls play video games??
well you guys are going to have to get over it.
Favorite Game